Page 4: Well Played, Dear God!

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Lavanya Verma's POV

I was in hurry to go to my workplace today, so I skipped my breakfast. I never do that generally but yesterday we were informed that D.Dawson's owner is coming to our office today. He will be visiting our office, so we were strictly warned to be on time & employee discipline to be maintained as well.

Being professional is something we have never given much importance to, before. Here, in India all the offices are like big families and the employees are the family members. That is what I love about my country. No unnecessary rules, only freedom. We love our workplace. Apart from that, we have some moral values & respect for others that we never dare to hamper. And today, we have to show our best to the current owner of our company, Mr.Dawson; who is coming to India for the first time. I have heard about his late father that he was a great man but never heard of his son.

As I was already getting late, I just said 'good-byes' to my parents & left the apartment. My mom was very angry that I didn't have my breakfast.

It's okay, I will make it up to her when I return home.

My father is now a retired banker. My mom was always a housewife. Now-a-days, we call housewife, a homemaker. I am the only child of my parents and they love me a lot. They have pampered me enough, so when I wanted to do this job they just smiled & agreed. We belong to higher middle class but we still crave for small happiness. Last year, I got this job after completing my MBA (Master in Business Management) & the bright smile on my face made my parents happier.

The moment I got out of my apartment, I took a cab after bidding adieu to the guard as my two-wheeler was not working well, yesterday. I didn't risk of driving that today, I was already late.

The guard always greets me with his bright smile every morning after taking Prasad from me. He is a very gentle guy.

I rushed out of the cab & hurriedly went to my departmental floor which was on the third floor. After finishing half of my work, I felt hungry. I turned my head towards Ruhi to check if she was busy.

"Ruhi, I am starving, going to the canteen. You want to come?" I asked my friend who was sitting in her cabin next to mine. She was busy typing something on her computer.

I met her last year, right in this place and since that day, our friendship grew though she is not at all my type of girl. Ruhi Jha is a woman who can talk anything at any time. She is like a doctor cum detective cum best-friend cum enemy cum what else not!! She also has short-temper issue and can switch to any personality, in short, she is everything; it just depends on the time. I sometimes call her transformer as she can transform into anything in any situation but she is a very helpful girl & pure soul from inside; not that humble but quite frank, non-diplomatic & definitely non-apologetic.

"No, babes, have loads of work! My manager has no crush on me unlike yours; you go!" She replied with a taunting voice looking at her desktop screen.

See, that it exactly what I was talking about!

She teases me every-time she gets a chance as she has an idea that Virat sir has a big crush on me. I have mentioned her like more than thousand times now that he was my senior in college and we just talk like friends; but she has a theory that he blushes whenever he talks to me. As usual her stupid psychologist side shows up every-time she hears his name. I don't like that but it's been a year now, I can't keep saying the same sentence every day that he was just my senior & he is just my boss here. So, I have now started ignoring her stupid theories & comments.

I stood up rolling my eyes at her and headed towards the elevator. As I got into the elevator, I felt more hungry and weak. I only had a glass of juice & left home. Mom was right, the hunger became unbearable. I reached the fourth floor which was the top most floor where the canteen was located. I rushed toward the counter to order some sandwiches but when I reached there, a sharp thing scratched my right collar-bone and it was so painful that I felt a burning sensation on my neck. With a reflex I covered the wounded area and heard someone saying 'sorry' with a very unfamiliar accent.

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