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"Weird, huh? It's kind of funny how the person has the first two letters of your name, though XP" Katie texted me. Not weird at all, Katie, I thought, because it was me.
So, here's the problem:
I have to contact two very famous people via social media which they get millions of hits on every day. Not to mention if I say what it is publicly, everyone will take it and claim it was them, and if they see another person's before they see mine, this whole thing is shot. So, it looks like I have to go through emails and DMs.
So I did what any sensible person would do. I texted Katie back first. I trusted her, and I knew she wouldn't tell.
"Katie? That's not a coincidence."
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean"
After she didn't text back for a few minutes, I then realized it would've been a good idea to call her because this isn't something you just text someone. Thankfully, I got another text from her, so she hadn't passed out after all.
"Just don't tell anyone, okay? The last thing I need is people trying to be me."
"Gotcha! Good luck! Get me some autographs XD"
I felt like chucking my phone against the wall for working when I realized that Katie was texting me through the Internet, and not through actual texts. My phone stopped being a phone, and had reverted itself to more of an iPod. Which would explain why I wasn't getting any texts from Dan and Phil. So, I did what I felt like doing. I took the SD card out of the piece of junk and threw it against a wall. Where my life was headed, I'd be able to buy a nice phone that doesn't flunk things up. Dan and Phil were looking for me. Dan and Phil! My inner fifteen-year-old was screaming her lungs out.

I logged onto Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram, and the first thing I saw on all of them was the trending tag #FindSY. Gee, I'd become the most trending thing on Tumblr. My life was complete. I then sent the following to all of Dan and Phil's accounts (including their gaming ones):
"Dear Dan and Phil,
I had this strange dream last night that I had a text conversation with you two when you added my number in on accident. I woke up to find out that this was not a dream at all, and that you two were searching for me. Firstly, I would like to apologize for the whole thing about not being able to text me; my phone is very, very old and it chose last night to break down. I'm getting a new one today, however the number will probably be different. I will send it to you on whatever social media you desire when I get the new phone. Secondly, my name is Sylvia, I'm 19, I live in southern New Jersey in America. The two ideas I had for you guys were the deaf challenge with the headphones and the board game I had given you at TATINOF four years ago when I was fifteen.
Thanks for trying to find makes me feel important for once...

And then I hoped and waited for a reply. Two hours passed, and nothing came about. They hadn't even looked at my DMs. They're probably swamped with fakes, I thought. This is reasonable. Everyone was buzzing on #FindSY. Memes had been created, people had thrown their opinions around about it, theories were scattered-it was kind of ironic. Here I am, SY, looking through all this stuff about me. Here I am, the girl that everyone wants to find, relaxing and waiting for them to find me.

When nothing had still come about on the third hour, I decided to head out to the store and get a new phone.
"Hi, how may I help you?" A perky brown haired girl asked me when I walked in.
"Uh, my phone busted, so I need a new one. I have the SIM card for it." I replied a little awkwardly.
"Alright! We'll get you all set up. What's your name?"
"Sylvia Postil." The girl gave out a small laugh.
"Gee, you think you're that SY person that everyone' s looking for?" She giggled a little more.
I am, actually, I thought, but I just laughed along with her and said, "It'd sure be nice if it was!"
By the time I had gotten everything done with the phone (I chose a brand new model with a good protective case), I was hungry so I went out to lunch. Another SY comment from the cashier.
"Sylvia, eh?" He said. "You know, they might be looking for you," he said with a laugh.
If only you knew I thought.
By the time I actually got home again, it had been eight hours since I sent the messages. I checked, and still nothing. I was eager to find out what was going to happen from here, but nothing had come yet. I'd been late, too. By a couple minutes at least. If I would've been the first one to send something to them, they would've gotten back with me by now, but I wasn't, so they haven't, I told myself. I was getting more anxious by the minute. So I decided to take Padfoot for a little walk, set up all the bells and whistles on my new phone, call my mom, text Katie (I still can't believe you're SY!!), make myself dinner, watch some of my old favorite Dan and Phil videos (because why not?) and I checked the sites again. Still nothing. I set notifications on all my social medias so I'd know when they'd DMed me or emailed me, and as I was setting up the notifications, I remembered I'd tell them my number. So, I got on all the sites and DMed/emailed all the previous things my number. And then, I went to sleep.
And I was awoken the next morning to the alarming sound of my new phone, with the following lit up on the screen:
Dan Howell on Twitter
It's you

I smiled.
Yeah, Dan. It's me.

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