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At first, I was calm. Well, probably because it was 4 AM and I was still half asleep. Why do they do these things when I'm half asleep? I thought. Then I remembered that we were in different time zones, and it all made sense. It was 9 AM in London right now, and 4 AM in New Jersey. Yay me. Then, the sudden realization hit me. Daniel James Howell just DMed you on Twitter. Daniel James Howell! I started to get a little excited when my phone went off again.
Dan Howell on Twitter
Is now a good time to call?
I unlocked my phone and sent back, 'absolutely'. Within seconds, my phone was vibrating and blaring its new ringtone. I was hoping it wouldn't scare Padfoot awake.
"H-hello?" I answered the phone a little groggily. I was not prepared for what was going to come through the other end.
"Hi, is this Sylvia?" Dan asked in his very deep and masculine British accent.
"Yes. Yes it is," I said, sitting up in bed, a little more awake now.
"Oh thank God. Me and Phil have been searching literally everywhere for you!" Dan said, sounding extremely relieved. "It's so nice to finally hear your voice, Sylvia, I've got to tell you."
Hearing Dan say my name sent chills down my spine. This was so surreal and amazing all at once.
"You wouldn't believe how amazing it is to hear yours," I replied. "I was the biggest fan of you and Phil when I was fifteen."
"Really? Wow, that's really cool actually! Thanks for supporting us!" I could tell Dan was struggling to find thing to say.
"Thank you for taking the time to find me."
"Hey, we have to give credit where credit is due, and you, Sylvia, deserve it. Your board game and your challenge idea are both great, and we'd at least like to give you credit. You deserved to be found." His last words impacted me. You deserve to be found. Here was the man I looked up to, the man I'd watch online, the man who could make me laugh when I thought I was going to cry, yet again saving me from feeling insignificant and unimportant. I really wish I would've kept my ex's number just so I could rub it in his face.
"Thank you so much. By the way, when I was purchasing my new phone today, I told the woman my name and she made a joke about me being SY," I said with a slight laugh.
"Yeah, the entire internet blew up over you. You were trending on every social media website-even Tumblr!" Dan said, a little surprised.
"I know! My life is totally complete now," I joked. Dan gave a small laugh.
"Well, we sure did cause a ruckus on the Internet, and Phil and I were talking, and we'd like to come to New Jersey and meet you, if that's alright. Everyone's going crazy over you and I don't think this'll be settled until we meet up. What do you say?" What do I say? What do I say? I say my fifteen-year-old self is envious of my present self.
"I say that would be phantastic!"
"Great! Wait-was that a pun?"
"Yup, you're definitely one of our fans." We both laughed. "So, yeah, I'll text you the dates when we'll be in town, and we can make a video together announcing the board game and stuff. Sound good?"
"Sounds wonderful. Thank you so much, Dan."
"No, Sylvia, thank you. By the way, we aren't releasing who you are or that we've found you until we come to visit and make a video, just to keep the suspense going, alright? So if you'd please not announce it or anything that'd be great."
"Sounds good to me. I was actually going to suggest that," I replied.
"Oh, great! I'll talk to you later then?"
"Awesome! And, Sylvia?"
"You don't have to be a stranger. You can call or text me and Phil anytime. I'll text you his number. We're friends now, okay?" Well, all of my dreams became true in one sentence.
"Alright! Same to you! Thank you so much again."
"Thank you too. Bye!"
And that was how I befriended Dan and Phil.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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