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Sara stood in shock, she knew that Snart loved her but what she didn't know was that Snart wanted to get married, he never seemed to be a marriage sort of guy, but then again he didn't seem like a hero but he was one

"Snart... Of course I will be your wife!" She said, he stood up and put the ring on her finger she kissed him

"When should we get married?" Snart asked

"Next week" Sara replied

And with that they spent the rest of the day creating invitations for their friends and family and eventually sending them off. That night Snart lay awake wondering what would've happened if he had decided to not get on the Waverider, he looked to his right side to see Sara laying asleep next to him with her arms wrapped round him, he thought about how lucky he was to be engaged with this beautiful woman and at that point he fell asleep

The next morning at Kendra, Ray and Rip's house, three envelopes came through the door addressed to each of them, Ray went to collect them and then gave them out, Kendra opened hers and it was beautiful, it had silver ribbon around the outside of it and the word 'Kendra' in the middle of it written in calligraphy, she opened it and it said 'Kendra Saunders, will you be able to attend the wedding of Sara Lance and Leonard Snart  on the 12th July 2016 at 2:30pm?'

Kendra stood in shock, she knew that Snart loved Sara but she never thought that they would get married, let alone in a weeks time! The feeling was the same for everybody else including Mick, Martin and Jax but they were all happy for them and luckily were all able to attend

~Back at Snart and Sara's place~

"Look at all the yes's we've got!" Sara exclaimed

"I know, but we've still got three more to come back"

"Who's?" Sara asked

"Well my sisters and your dads and sisters response" Snart replied

"Oh, but I'm sure that they'll respond soon" Sara said, her phone started to vibrate and she looked at it "Its my dad, hold on I'll be right back" she said

A few minutes passed and Sara still hadn't come back so Snart decided he will go and find her, he looked in every room and she wasn't there until he looked in the lounge, she was sitting in a couch with her phone pressed against her chest crying, Snart walked over to her and sat next to her, he pressed his hand onto her shoulder to comfort her

"What's wrong?" Snart asked

"It's Laurel... She's dead!" She replied

"Sara I'm so sorry" he hugged her,  comforting her

"So did you get a response from your sister?" Sara asked

"Yeah, she can come, how about your dad?" He asked

"Yeah he can but he warned me he's going to cry...a lot"

They both laughed, Snart kissed Sara's lips and said to her "Looks like you need to go and find a dress and a bridesmaid"

"Yeah, I'll find you later" she said and walked away to go get her dress

~Over at Kendra's place~

*Knock Knock*

Kendra goes to the door to answer

"Sara...Congratulations on getting engaged!" Kendra said

"Kendra, will you be my maid of honour?"

"Of course Sara"

"Ok great, because I really need to go dress shopping and I would like you to come too!" Sara said

"Ok let me just grab my coat!"

~In the city's wedding dress shop~

"Wow, look at all these dresses, their beautiful!" Sara exclaimed

"I know, I want to get married now!" Kendra said

"Excuse me ladies, may I help you?" A store assistant asked

"Yes, I'm getting married next week and I need a dress, I kind of want something pretty but not huge and maybe with a veil too!" Sara said

"Of course I think I have something in the back, Oh and what's your name?"


"Ok Sara if you follow me to the dressing rooms and you wait over there you can see what the dress looks like and help her pick the right dress"

Sara followed the assistant to the dressing rooms and Kendra waited with anticipation to see what kind of a dress an assassin would pick out

In the dressing rooms, Sara tried on a slim fitting white dress with some lace round the shoulders and a veil with a tiara to hold it in place, she showed Kendra the dress and Kendra absolutely loved it, Sara then went back to try on a second dress, the second dress was again a slim fitting white dress which had some pink highlights in with some lace round the back and  a veil which made her look stunning, as she showed it to Kendra she said "This is the dress isn't it"

"Yes, you look amazing, Snart is one lucky man!" Kendra replied with the dress she had picked out earlier in hand

They went to pay for both dresses and saw Mick, once they had paid for the dresses they went over to Mick and asked what he was doing

"Snart didn't tell you did he?" Mick said "I'm going to be his best man!"

"That's great!" Kendra said

"So am I going to see your dress?" He asked to Sara, she showed him the dress and he looked stunned "I never knew assassins liked lace!" He said

"Well most don't but, I was always different" Sara said, quickly putting the dress back in the bag

"Snart is one lucky man to have found a girl like you!" Mick said "Oh and Snart said to me if I see you to tell you we are almost done and that when you get home hide the dress so he can't see it!"

"Got it Mick thanks" she replied as she left the store

Authors note:
*Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and feel free to give me any suggestions as to what should happen in the comments below, thanks for reading xox

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