Coffee : Jackson Wang

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"Morning _____!" JiNu cheerfully says. "Morning..." I reply yawning. "Late night?" He asks as I walk into the kitchen. I simply nod and he pats my back, "We've got a lot of orders for today.". "Really?" I ask in shock. "Yeah,", he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, "lots of the big names are here today!". "Wow! I can't wait to debut!" I smile and he smiles back, "Only a couple more months till this gap year is over.".

~ Time Skip ~

I stretch and pick the coffee tray up. My 7th round this morning. I yawn as I get in the elevator and press the button. "Ahhh. Coffee rounds, not too long to go." A voice says. I knew that voice. I look up to see... JYP. "PD-Nim!" I awkwardly bow and smile brightly. "You'll spill the coffee if you do that again." He laughs and exits the elevator at his stop. After another 30 seconds my stop comes. I exit the lift and begin searching for the room number. 31... 32... 33... 34!

I push the door but it doesn't budge. I push it a bit harder but is still won't budge. This time I push it with force. Bang! The door bursts open, I fall flat on my face and all the coffee goes everywhere. I groan in pain as I realise that the scorching coffee landed on my hand.

"Aishhhhh...." I mumble as I try to get up which only results in me slipping over. "Are you ok?" A guy asked. BamBam. Dammit. I can't believe I just did that. I actually spilt coffee all over myself in front of Got7. "Uh. I can't speak Korean." I reply quickly. Hell yeah I could. But. I hate questions. I hate attention. So I said that which just started a spiral of lies. "I'll be off." I stated in English as I ran out of the room and through the halls. My legs didn't dare to stop working until I got to the gardens and sank down onto a bench. I put my head in my hands and the warm tears begin to trickle down my face. Suddenly, a warm pair of hands wrap around me and strokes my hair slowly. "Hey, we all make mistakes. Don't worry about it. The guys are worried about you and wanted to know if you are okay, are you?" He asks, in English. I knew that voice instantly; Jackson. I nod slowly. "Really?" He asks unsure and, still, in English. "No..." I mumble and the tears begin to fall even more. He picks me up and I let him. My eyes become heavy and I soon doze off.

~ Time skip ~

"Is she okay?". "When is she going to wake up?". "She was really crying?". "So she can't speak Korean?". I feel the cold hard surface beneath me. This didn't feel like Jackson. "Jackson... Oppa..." I mumble quietly. Giggles can be heard all over the room. Instantly, I wake up and am greeted with a very peculiar site. "She's awake!" BamBam shouts. "Omo. Shut up, BamBam." Mark wines. I giggle. "Awww. Her laugh is the cutest!" Yugyeom smiles. I blush slightly and look over to see Jackson talking to JB in the corner. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Mark asks, in English. "No, no. I'm fine." I reply, in Korean. Shoot. "Wait. You can speak Korean?" Mark asks, in English. "Yes..." I mutter in Korean. "So, why did you say you couldn't?" Jackson asks coming over. "I don't like attention... I have a lot of anxiety." I reply quietly. "Well, we won't judge you here and you can always come to me for advice or if you want help." Jackson smiles and I blush. All of the guys 'aww'.

And that was how I met Jackson. My lover, husband, best friend and most importantly my children's father.

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