Misinterpreted : Park Jinyoung

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I stumbled down the foreign corridors and held my study books close to my tightened chest whilst I tried to dodge the often stretched out legs that came my way. Sly sniggers filled the crowded area; I felt many eyes upon me as I turned the corridor and dashed through the open doors and into the courtyard. I sighed heavily, placed myself under a massive cherry blossom tree and tried to forget my past worries and problems. But - something caught my eye. In the distance, I spotted what looked like a fight - but more like a mouse versus a hawk...

A weak boy rested against the wall, his uniform covered in dirt and spots of dried blood, and a girl towered above him. She had shoulder length coal black hair and fiery red highlights which were accompanied by a shiny black leather jacket. She seemed to collect money from the poor boy and then she gave it to a cowering young girl who had dried blood on her pale lips and trails of it down her chin. I shivered as she walked away from the area and disappeared behind the school wall. The little girl ran off whilst the boy wiped the blood off of his face and trudged into the building.

The bell rung and I began to gather my stuff up. I still couldn't believe what I had just witnessed...

I rushed to my form and took a seat, not daring to look at any of the other students faces. The teacher arrived and greeted us. She started doing the register but was interupted by an individual that had entered the room. "Kim JiYeon, do you mind explaining why you happen to be late and did not attend form this morning?" Miss beckoned across the room. "Sorry Miss, slept in and was caught up in something at lunch." She replies. I heard her loud footsteps nearing me as she took her seat diagonally in front of me. My throat clenched as I saw the same black and red hair as before. She glanced back and her intense auburn eyes scanned me before she turned back around, her hair whirling around her. The bell rung once again and we all shuffled to our last period...


For the last time that day, the bell rung. I hurried out of the chaotic classroom and toward the school entrance but, unfortunately, I tripped and dropped all of my stuff onto the concrete. I pulled my sore body up and slowly began to collect my belongings, however I felt a firm hand clamp down on my shoulder - turning me to face him.

"What should we do with you, new kid?" He sneered to his mate and flicked my forehead. I gulp and stutter the words, "P-please, I don't want any trouble.", yet they proceed to mock me. "Guys, what did I tell you?" JiYeon called to them as she neared us. I feared for the worse but the craziest thing happened. The boys dropped me down onto the floor and sped off without taking a look back.

"It's hard on your first day. You'll soon get used to it - give it some time." She smiled and collected my stuff. Then, she lent me a hand and I cautiously took it. "As you may know, I am Kim JiYeon. You are?" She asked as she shoved her hands into her jackets pockets. "P-park J-jinyoung." I mutter. "Nice to meet you, see you around." She patted my shoulder and then exited the school grounds...

Maybe, just maybe, she wasn't all that bad.

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