Chapter Four

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Hey, hey y'all! I have decided to post this next chapter now... so... yeah! :D Hope y'all like it and leave comments if you do! What do you think of it, how was it, what you thinks gonna happen next... stuff like that lol :) 

ENJOY! :D don't forget to VOTE!/comment/FAN!!


          My dorm is right next to the washroom, which makes it easier for me in a way. I dry myself off with a towel while the steam encircles me. These showers are actually really nice, not like I thought they would be. My pajamas cover my still damp skin with my hair soaking the back of my shirt. I slide on my flip-flops, exiting the showers along with all my shampoo and conditioner. Finally fresh, and all that’s left is relaxing for the day… yeah right! Now it’s time to party. But where?

          When I reach for my phone on the table outside my shower, it’s missing. Maybe I put it under this towel here… nothing. What the hell? Where’d it go? It was probably mistaken. The girl next to me must have taken it by accident, but her phone isn’t in its place. Someone obviously stole it. My cheeks burn with fury, my eyes blazing as I scan the rest of the bathroom for one of those cheerleaders. They’re probably getting back at me for hurting that girl’s nose.

          Exiting my dorm after hanging my towels up, I storm into the lounge, still in my pajamas. I don’t care right now. All I want is my phone. I march toward the cheerleader’s circle of friends, and they laugh at me. “Nice pajamas,” Elle mocks me.

          “Which one of you bitches stole my phone?” I snarl at them, and they all shut up. “Well? I know it was one of you.” I turn to look at their leader, who looks positively guilty. She’s such a terrible liar. “Hand it over or else I’ll just have to take it from you.”

          “I’m not scared of you,” she smirks, and I take a step toward her. She squeals and drops it on the floor. I snatch it up from the ground and glare at all of them.

          “Just wait until I get my hands on you- every one of you sluts. And I promise you, it won’t be pretty,” I warn through narrow slits of my two crystal blue eyes, which are now as hard as stone. Each of their eyes are wide and fearful as I leave, chin held high while nearly every one in the room watches me leave back into the girls’ dorms.

          I swear; if they sent anything to my friends they’re going to regret it. I have nearly twenty new texts demanding for an explanation of why I sent what I did, and my Facebook status… UGH! I quickly delete the post and start apologizing to my friends back at home, not to mention Ash and Jordan.

          What am I going to do to those whores? They deserve the worst possible thing out there. I was thinking about picking the lock on their doors and sneaking into their dorms and chopping their hair off, or maybe trash their rooms, but they’d probably tattle on me and there’d be obvious evidence of my appearance. Suddenly, while pacing the room, I come up with a plan to embarrass them all without a way of the teachers finding out.

          If Angel can hack into the computers without the headmistress knowing, she’d be able to hack into their Facebook accounts, and considering they’re so popular, they’d obviously have one. And I could set up video cameras in their dorms and have Angel video tape them with their slumber parties, see if anything embarrassing happens. She already video tapes me sometimes while I’m doing something wacky in the dorm room and “claims” it’s for a school project, as always.

But I don’t see how I’d be able to get the video camera in there, and let alone get it back out. Once they see it on Facebook they’ll delete it and maybe find the location of it if I don’t take the camera out of the room afterward. Their leader, Elle, has obviously slept with AJ, so I can’t use him in any way possible. I turn to Angel while lying on my bed, discussing the possibilities to myself. “Does Elle have a boyfriend?”

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