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My Mistakes

I can't keep living, I have made so many mistakes and they are all ganging up on me right now. I honestly can't keep going and people keep telling me to keep going and don't give up but I cant take this anymore! No one really cares about me they just don't want to be responsible for my death, none of them will be it'll be my fault; I fucked up so bad and my cutting has gotten so much worse and I don't know how to stop...


Tired of Shit

I'm getting so tired of people and life, I am so emotionally drained and I really want school to be over because the stress of finals and random stupid shut they make us do is killing me, I just can't handle it! I want to give up but I can't stop fighting, I gotta keep going, I need to be strong; nobody likes a depressed person... I've learned to fake my happiness and it kills me to see how much people can look over, I've gotten to tired to put makeup on and no one has noticed; the huge bags under my eyes from several sleepless nights yet no one realizes. I don't even know anymore everything is getting so confusing for me and I just wanna be in a coma, no matter how much I sleep as soon as I get up I'm tired again, oh and not to mention the "diet" I have took on now cause I'm the only one in my family that's a fat disappointment, I haven't eaten much for 3 days; maybe like I small snack a day and that's it... Anyway nothing has changed much, I'm still a depressed disappointment and I'll just have to deal with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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