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Well here are the questions I got for my story "Power Legacy"!

I answered all of them and I had a lot of fun with this ^.^

You can find the story version of "Power Legacy" on wattpad here:


You can find the manga version either on tapastic or on deviantart:



Q: What inspired Hero?

A: When I was younger (like when the original Yu-Gi-Oh! was running on TV), I always added in a character who seemed to know what the future held. Since she knew what was going to happen, she gave hints to the characters. So Hero first started off as an OC I added to Yu-Gi-Oh! (lol). As time went by, I gave Hero her own story and built up her past.

Q: Are you a faerie?

A: Hahahaha am I?

Q: What inspired you to make the series?

A: I always envisioned Hero in my head, beating up monsters and whatnot in various shows I watched as a child. I then decided to give Hero her own story and her own world.

Q: What made you want to make the story?

A: Hero and her world were always real in my mind. I wanted it to be real for everyone else too so I started to hand write her past to give her a solid backstory. One day when I was playing an online game, "Crystal Saga", a guild mate of mine told me about wattpad.com. Then I started to write "Power Legacy" and then BAM! Her world began to be real to other people, not just me.

Q: Are you a professional artist now? Cuz your stuff is so good!

A: Hahaha sadly not yet! But I'm working towards that! To help me get there, I need everyone's support!

Q: What inspired "Power Legacy"?

A: Hero and Kirai were always alive in my mind, fighting one another for the future of the worlds. I wanted to give them their own story and make them real for others. Lol this is sounding a lot like the previous answers XD

Q: How many characters have you created for the story?

A: A lot. When I was working on the list for possible playing cards, I made a list of the characters in "Power Legacy". I had 43 names of characters, but for plot line purposes, a lot of characters are introduced and then disappear. Sometimes they die off, sometimes they pop back into the story. In short, there's a lot of characters, but that makes sense since this is an interdimensional war.

Q: How many universes did you create for this story?

A: Again with the playing card list, I was able to see what character is from what world. Then again, as the plot goes on, more planets and dimensions will be introduced so this number will become bigger. The number of worlds at the moment is 16 (Faerie, Dark Faerie, Earth, Water Realm, Earth Realm, Fire Realm, Air Realm, Light Realm, Darkness Realm, Balance Realm, Ataria, Shartay, Belfangor, Florian, Witches, Dragon Regent).

Q: What were the inspirations (if there was) for (each) of your characters or just the whole story itself?

A: The inspiration for Hero was my vision of what I would want to be. I wanted confidence, strength, charm, knowledge. She's a person I aspire to be.

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