Dawn of a New Day

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Hello readers I have a quick announcement minor as well I'm gonna try doing an update everyday schedule if not then hopefully every other day and I apologize if anything is spelt wrong or some things don't make sense plz comment or pm me and I'll explain hope you enjoy the book much love <33



⚡Laxus's POV⚡

I stood there gapping at what she had told me. When I came to my senses I replied "don't worry I won't tell anyone you secrets safe with me." The soft tone I used to reply in, shocked gramps to say the least (I hate puns so this isn't one it just happened to turn out as one) heck it even shocked me. She smiled great fully at me as master gramps dismissed us she went up stairs.

Icy's POV

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?" yelled the pink headed baka. Luckily Laxus was behind her and just as Natsu came up he was knocked back down and out. Laxus and I released a irritated sigh. No sooner then we started climbing the stairs again did I hear Gray say "Uhh Onēsan you can't go up the that's S-class and above only." Master came out and said "That's why she's up there Gray." Gray looked surprised at first then he nodded in understanding. I then continued up and found a seat on the back wall that you couldn't see down below and played my head on the table to think. "Hey are you ok?" Asked the blonde who is seated across from her. "*sigh* yeah just thinking," her head shot up startling the one across from her," I need to take a job" with that she walked to the S-class request bored. "uh why don't I come with you sense its you first mission here." Laxus suggested while looking down at her seen as he's a foot taller, she shrugged mumbling 'I'm not helpless' or something like that and finally said "sure why not"

⚡Laxus's POV

'Yes!' That thought surprised me and that look displayed on my face. She caught it and asked if anything was wrong. I nodded my head 'no' then started to think, ' why did I think that and why did I ask to go and why do I care I haven't shouwn care for anyone here??' Questions kept rolling through my head and the she held up a flier that read,

Large unidentified beast
With magical powers
Taking the children for unknown
Purposes please defeat the monster
And return the village children
Send powerful mages

Reward:800,000,000 Jewels

Location: Lupins Foss

"Ok when do you wanna leave?" She thought for a moment then came back with "Well the town is roughly ten hours away and the job should take around three days to a week so how about we pack a small bad and sleep then go in the morning sense its already five in the afternoon." 'She knows a lot.' "Ok sounds good but how do you know all the train ride times and stuff?" She chuckled a little 'such a beautiful laug- wait WHAT?!' "I traveled a lot looking for Gray in the past few years." 'Oh yeah..' "Right I forgot well ima' go and get my stuff together for the mission when do we meet and where?" "Around eight or so at the train station the train leaves at nine so we should get into the town around seven in the evening check into a hotel rest then go to the Mayor and take care of the job." She replied with a smile "you're well planned aren't you?" She nodded and we left the guild going our separate ways to pack and get ready. 'Strange I feel like I need to be with her and protect her hmmmmmm?'

Icy's POV

'Well I'm happy someone's with me and someone who has my trust more but I've taken hard missions before wonder why he seemed so worried about me going on my own?' She got a small backpack out and packed: bandages,a book(for being bored),and some crackers for if we get hungry sense I have my moon based 'requip magic' I didn't pack clothes. I glance at the time and its seven so I decide to take a walk in the park.

Timeskip to park

I found a huge weeping willow tree and sat at the base think of everything that's happened in all that I dozed off to sleep.


'Not again ughhh' "Icy, cone here dear." I saw little me run past to find mother "yes mama?" My small voice asked "ah there you are dear would you like to have a friend?" My tiny eyes lit up "yes (×10000)" mother chuckled softly "ok then repeat after me." "Ok!" "sunpō no neko(dimensions cat)" my little form repeated the words and out popped a icy blue cat with sliver tips on her ears and tail with white paws and a white belly with a dark blue spot on her right eye, her eyes where a shiny silver with a deep blue fade on the outer ring. Mini me squeal and hugged her "I love her she's so cute!!! Does she have a name?" Both mother and myself giggled at young me's silliness "no dear you name her." "Lily, no ocean, nope crystal, hmmm no not a crystal silver, no but something like it hmmm SHIMMER!! yes shimmer that's it!" The kittens head looked up upon hearing her name "yes? Master" my small from looked confused before she said "My names Icy please don't call me master no formalities needed call me Icy or Ice please ." the cat or exceed nodded ok and then fell asleep along with a sleepy me.

End dream

I woke up still at the tree and glanced at my lacrima watch and saw it was midnight so I went home and slept.


And chapter 6 I think (am I right) is done I may update later or tomorrow it depends on my schedule for he rest of the day hope you liked it please vote if you did and leave suggestions or if you found mistakes in the comments see y'all later


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