Chapter 2

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"Jae?" My mom mumbled after stopping infront of my school.

"Yes Eomma?" I ask innocently. She takes a deep breathe and looks to me.

"You're a very attractive young man. People will try to...get to you in a bad way. Don't give in okay?"

People would want to fuck me? Sweet. "What do you mean by that Eomma?"I tilt my head to the side and give my award winning look to seal the deal.

"Um...if someone comes up to you and tries anything you call me. I want you to stay pure." She ruffled my blonde curls with her small thin hand and I smile, ignoring the fact that I hate this. This bitch and this school. The only one I tolerate is my Hoseokie.


Where is Hoseokie? Did he not come to school today? It's 3rd period and he sits right infront of me.

I look around because maybe he sat with his friends today.

"Youngjae?" I look to the front of the class and smile.

"Yes sir?" Innocent.

"You wanna move up so you won't get distracted?" I shake my head.

"I'm sorry." I pout and make my eyes get watery. Teachers hate this.

"No, I'm sorry. Just please don't cry attention yeah?" The girls in the classroom coo and I hear some mumble how cute I am.


"Can I go to the restroom? My tummy feels weird..." To make my statement more accurate I put my hand over my mouth and the other over my shirt.

"Go! Go to the nurse when you're done!" He shoos me out.

"I'll walk him!" Several girls volunteer.

"I'll be fine okay?" I smile but gag and run out.


As soon as I get into the bathroom stall I pull out my phone and headphones, watching my favorite thing.


"It's okay Youngjae, you can spend the day in there. There's one other student and he's asleep so don't be too loud." The nurse points to the room with the beds and I thank her, walking in.

Once I see who's in I smile. "Hoseokie!" I squeal then cover my mouth and giggle. I lay in the bed right next to his so I could admire his face. He looks a little paler than usual and his nose is runny but he's beautiful nonetheless.

Hoseok groans in his sleep and starts to cough. "Awe Hoseokie, don't feel bad." I pat his head softly and then grab his hand that isn't under the pillow, holding it.

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