Chapter 5

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Bangtan High: 10:21 am

"Students, I forgot to hand out the papers for the packets! I'm a bad teacher!" Mr. Kim almost cries and he holds up a stack of papers.

"That's ok Mr.Kim. Can I pass them out?" A kid, I remember him as Namjoon asked.

Ass kisser. Probably more by the way he's blushing.

"Sure, I'm sorry I'm so unorganised. I'm super stressed."

Namjoon gets up and takes the papers, passing them out. I look back at Hoseok and he's whispering with this girl, hand on hers and her face as red as ever.

She must have a cold, I heard people get uglier when they're sick.

I shrug it off like I always do, but I still feel my chest tightening and my breathing picks up, tears coming to my eyes.

Oh no.

I put my head in my hands trying to calm down. Didn't work. I reach in my pocket for the plastic/metal object that could help me.

I don't feel it and my heart beats faster, unfortunately. I start heaving and holding my chest, tears are streaming down my face.

"Mr. Choi! Can someone walk him to the nurse?!" I hear the teacher. Then he speaks again, it sounds distant.

"No I'll call the nurse!" I try to stand and feel my legs get stiff. I try to walk off the pain.

"I'll take him." I hear before someone grabs my hand and guides me out of the classroom. I start to squeeze onto the hand of the unknown person, trusting them to guide me the rest of the way cause I don't think I can make it.

My eyes feel heavy and my heart beat suddenly slows down. I feel myself fall and the last thing I see are panicked yet worried eyes.

Nurse's office, Bangtan High: 10:30 am

"I'm not going back to class until I know he's ok!"

"But I'm afraid he isn't. He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what? Don't tell me he's dying!"

Long pause.

"His mom told us to keep an eye on him. In his files it says that he should keep an inhaler on him. I checked his pockets and there weren't anything there but his phone and headphones."

"You didn't answer my question!"

"He has Lungotomia..."

"You mean he's dying?"

"Yes-well not quite. He has this thing wrong with his lungs. He can't do alot of physical things like running."

"So basically anything that gets his heart racing?"

There's a long pause and I open my eyes.

Two sets of eyes land on me and I blush. "H-hello there."

Hoseok walks over to me and hugs me. "How come you didn't tell me? Aren't we friends?"

"I'm sorry."

"From this point on, I'm your hope, your Angel. Tell me if you need ANYTHING. I don't care if it's open a bag of chips for you or even chew your food."


The nurse tells us we could stay in here for the rest of the day.

Nurse's Office, Bangtan High: 12:14 pm

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