Chapter 6

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Hoseok's House: 4:20 pm

"I-I think I should be heading home now. My mom may be worried I got kidnapped or something."

"I'm sure she'll be ok staying with you for a while." I look to see him smiling.

I blush and try not to get hard.

Puppies pickles paparazzi
Horse shoe hip hip hoparazi
Bigbang bingbong binizeeni
Singer sizzle sinizeeni

(This is actually what I do don't judge XD not that I'm a dude, I just do this when I try not to think about something or when I can't sleep lol)

I take a deep breath and Hoseok gasps. "Are you about to pass out again?" He rushes over to me and grabs my arm with one hand, placing his other hand on my heart.

My eyes widen and I cross my legs, feeling extremely uncomfortable down there.

"Do you need anything? I told you just tell me."


What am I thinking stop talking bird brain.


"Can you do me a favor?" I bite my lip and he removes his hand from my chest. My heart starts racing and I bite my lip.

"What is it?"

"C-can..." I look at the ground and blush. "Can you get me a bottle of water."

I hear his footsteps disappear and I look up and groan. "Such a fucking idiot Youngjae." I mutter to myself.

Hoseok comes back with a bottle of water and hands it to me. "Here you go, please don't pass out on me." I smile at him and down the water, instantly feeling as if I could breathe again.

"Feeling better?" I nod and he takes the empty bottle and goes to throw it away. "Now, the real reason I wanted you to come to my house. The project."

He goes to his and my backpack and picks up his, coming to stand upfront of me. I look down at the bag as he takes something out and I see the front of his pants.

He's big.

"This is the package Mr.Kim gave us. It's basically a summary of our work, and it's only 2 pages. Want me to read them?" I nod. As he reads them I can't help but stare at his package. It's thick.

He finishes and looks back up at me. I nod and take a seat. "We could have talked about this on the slides." I state and put my head back, closing my eyes.

"But I wanted to talk face to face." I hear his voice as if it's right by my ear. I open my eyes and turn, his nose is touching mine and I feel his breath on my lips.

He then leans in closer and my eyes flutter closed. Right before he meets my lips I hear his voice again. "We couldn't do things like this on the PowerPoint." He whispers before moving away.

My eyes snap open and I glare his direction. He's sitting on the opposite side of the room and looking at the wall. 

Everything you do is a turn on Hoseok, or it could be my dirty mind...

I bite my lip and study his body, thinking of things that he could do to me. "Sweet daddy..." I whisper a little too loudly. He looks at me with a confused face before laughing. I blush and hide my face.

"What?" He says after laughing so hard. "Did you just call me daddy?" He starts laughing again. 

"That was an accident..." I mumble, my hands still covering my face.

He suddenly stops laughing and I swear I felt him touch my thigh. "I'll be your daddy." His hand squeezes my thigh and I look up at him with wide eyes. "If you want me to." He smirks and comes closer.

I gulp and start to feel uncomfortable in my pants. Again. His hand that was on my thigh slowly moves up, tracing over my area. I bite my lips and squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for more contact. But all good moments come to an end.

Hoseok starts laughing and his hand retreats. "I can't believe you let me go that far! My hand touched your dick!" I open my eyes and see Hoseok almost dying of laughter. He's gasping for air and I see tears in his eyes.

I hide my face again. "Can you please take me home."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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