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I guess and I bet everyone has sacrificed something in their life.

Same goes with me. For me, to achieve our goals in life, we must sacrifice everything in order to get what we dreamed of.

Especially when it was related with your studies. You need to sacrifice your money, certainly, your energy and also your leisure time.

But, when we sacrifice it with whole heart, and with the pure intention, in sha Allah everything gonna be okay, smoothly. Because Allah knows your intention. He gives you what you really needed, not what you eagerly wanted.

Set your mind and your heart, you must study LILLAHITA'ALA. You want to repay all of your parents' sacrifices towards you. They have done so many sacrifices even though they were in trouble.

The reason?

Because they loved you so much, they want to see you excel in your life and hereafter.

May Allah bless our parents dunya and hereafter. Aamiin.

May Allah ease everything that we do.

Good luck to everyone who reads this. Lots of love 💞

Love Hana♡

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