Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It was still dark outside the monastery. Sister Andrea led Eddy down a cobblestone path through the garden. They arrived shortly at a small shed. It looked well built; as far as he could tell in the darkness. She opened the door and went inside. She quickly returned with a robe that matched her own and handed it to Edward.

"Put this on over your clothes." Sister Andrea's accent was exotic to Eddy, but strong and commanding at the same time.

Edward begrudgingly took the garment and put it on, tying the cloth belt at his waistline. "So, how do I look?"

The monk cracked a smile. "Like you are ready to begin your duties." She glared at Edward.

Edward felt pretty good. It couldn't be too hard. A little farm work. What the hell. "Alright. Well, where do we get started?"

"Just follow me. We have to go outside the monastery. Don't get separated. It's a big jungle out there. Watch for snakes on limbs you pass by and in trees." She turned abruptly and took off down another cobblestone path, this one leading out of the monastery. When she got to the gate she slid the wooden locking mechanism out of the wall and pulled it towards them. Eddy bailed off after her, trying to keep up.

When they got outside the wall Andrea pulled the gate closed. The two ventured out on a small path leading into the forest. It was dark out still. Eddy knew that there was no way he could find his way around in this alone. He was amazed at how efficient Andrea breezed about in so little light. He focused in on her. As long, he thought, as he could follow her, he would be alright.

He stayed close to the strange woman as she led him on in the darkness. Strange creatures rustled about. The morning light was getting ready to fill the dark sky. Monkeys and birds danced about in the canopy above him. The woman had gone into a full blown run. Eddy was struggling to keep up.

Andrea suddenly slowed down to a walk. She glanced back over her shoulder to see if he was still behind, and he was. "Look over here Brother Silva." She turned and started walking forward.

Edward notice that color was coming in on the sky. It morphed from black, to dark blue, to pale blue, in a matter of seconds. The light filtered through the rain forest and illuminated his surroundings. The dark walls of black morphed into a beautiful green world before his eyes.

It was then he noticed they were in a clearing. One massive tree stood in the center; it was covered in thousands of yellow fruits.

As Eddy walked closer, Andrea spoke, "This will be your first assignment." She pointed to three large wicker baskets, all at least thirty gallon containers, "Fill these three baskets with fruit from this tree. Pick only the ripest and healthiest of figs."

Edward looked up at the massive tree. It was at least fifty feet tall. There were no small limbs for him to climb up. "How do I even climb this damn thing?" He asked, annoyed.

Andrea pulled two ropes from her robe. She offered the longest of them to Edward. "This one will allow you to climb the tree. Just wrap it around and hand it to yourself. That way you can pull on it and create enough friction to prevent falling. When you've got the rope tight, raise your legs. Then grip with your legs and moved the rope up. Simple."

Edward took the long rope reluctantly. He wondered if it would work. "And, the other rope?"

She tied the other rope around a corner of Eddy's robe. The other end she fastened to one of the baskets. "Now you can climb the tree and gather the fruits and bring them down safely."

"For who, the fruits or me?" Eddy begrudgingly allowed himself to be tethered to the wicker basket. He wondered how many figs it would take to fill it.

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