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It had been three months since I had  moved in. It went by smoothly, Raven kept to herself but we talked regularly between the week.

I got a job at a diner down the road and went to the gym every other night, I had a nice routine set up.
It was Friday night and I grabbed a beer from out of the fridge. It was about one in the morning and I had been binge watching house since around nine.

I plopped back on the couch as the theme song began to play, I twisted the cap off and took a swig as I rested my arm on the back of the couch.

I heard noises coming from outside so I muted the program and waited, listening closer.
I heard mumbling and yelling.

I placed my beer on the coffee table and made my way towards the front door.
I opened the door and saw that Anthony guy firmly holding Ravens shoulders, as the girl averted her gaze. Her eyes red and puffy as if she was crying.

I glared at the man as I guided Raven into the house. Anthony made a motion of walking in with us when I slammed the door in his face.

I guided her towards the couch and sat next to her. "Hey Rae... Everything okay?"

She sniffled and leaned her head on my shoulder. "Yeah.."
Her voice cracked and I could smell some alcohol.

"Did he hurt you?"

She shook her head and wiped her damp face.

"Don't worry about it Garfield"

"Well you kind of came home crying with some dude at one in the morning.. So I think I have a little room of being concerned in there"

She did a small snort and said a small okay.

Her eyes drooped shut. "Let's get you to bed"

She shook her head, her face twisted up. "Let me sleep with you tonight"

I furrowed my eyebrows "I don't think that's a good idea"

She yawned "Why not?"

"Raven your drunk and you can barely give me a hug. When your sober up and wake up with me next to you, your confused mind is not gonna process that well, you'll probably slap me"

She chuckled "I won't slap you"

"Oh I think you will"

She looked up and I laughed from how much she struggled to keep her eyes open. "If I promise not to slap you, can I?"

Even if she promised drunk she wouldn't remember that promise sober. But I didn't say anything, I let it be. Raven looked broken and vulnerable. So I let it go for tonight and she better believe in the morning I was interrogating her.


She smiled and grabbed my hand, leading me into my room.

"Do you need pajamas-"

She began to pull her blouse over her head and I whipped around.

"Raven you can't just undress in front of me!"
I heard her laughter echo around my room and felt a light touch on my back.

"What are you doing?"

"Just take your shirt off"

I sighed "okay, if your going to be weird, then you need to sleep in your own bed"

"I'm not being weird"

I turned around and she wore one of my t shirts, her hands hovered in the air where my back was.

She smiled and walked back over towards my bed.
I took my shirt off and felt her gaze from across the room.
I hopped in next to her and grabbed an extra blanket just in case the one I had wasn't enough. The weather was cold and our heater couldn't keep up.

I laid on my back and felt her body move against my side. I felt warm and my eyes began to slowly shut.

"Can you take that disguise off?"

My eyes shot open "what?"

"I know you were in the teen titans, so I know what you actually look like"

"I need it so people don't know who I am"
I turned over to face her and she placed her small hand on my cheek.

"But I know who you are, Beast boy"

Her saying that name brought a melancholy sadness into my heart. Memories played in my head and I looked away.
She moved in closer and I felt her leg wrap around my thigh.


I sighed and took off the ring, placing it in the nightstand.
Slowly my skin turned back to green and she smiled warmly before resting her head in my chest.


I stared down at her as I felt my arms slowly go around her. "Night.."

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