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It had happened so fast. We paced in our living room of the T-tower, the news playing in the background.

"We really fucked up this time"
Robin rubbed his stubble with his palm as he stared us all down.

I scoffed "we protected them, they have no right to treat us this way!"

Robin glared at me "don't act so arrogant. In the process of taking down the hive we took down several buildings with people in it beast boy. We killed people"

I angrily gritted my teeth.
"But they were going to do so much worse!"

Robin got in my face, our angry heavy breaths blew in each other's faces. "It doesn't matter! We didn't protect everyone. We hurt more people than the bad guys did. Hell ,they didn't even lay a finger on anyone"

Star fire gloomily floated towards the couch.

"I feel.. The guilt"

Robin sighed and his shoulders sank forward. He nodded and ran a hand through his hair. "Let me see what I can do to get the city to calm down. For now, just stay in the tower"

Robin slowly walked off with a slump in each step.

Cyborg stomped away and I sat next to star fire.

"Don't worry Garfield, dick will take care of things"

I furrowed my brows and stared at my shoes. "He always does"

Dick Grayson was robin, the leader to the Teen Titans . One of my best friends who we constantly put stress on. The bags have accumulated under his eyes over the years.

Every time one of us or all of us screws up it instantly goes to robin. He always fixes our mistakes, and I'm grateful to call him our leader. Sometimes he can be hot headed and stubborn but he's always there when we need him.

Guilt ate at me and I decided I would cook dinner tonight.


The next morning when Robin called us for a meeting we saw his and star fires belongings at the elevator door.

"What the hell?" Cyborg raised an eyebrow.

"The mayor thinks it's best if we leave for a while."

I sat up "what do you mean leave?!"

"Garfield. Everyone doesn't want us here at he moment, so he doesn't want us back here for a year, then we'll go from there. We'll see if everyone calms down and how they feel then. But right now it isn't safe for us nor are we wanted."

"But this is my home!"

Robin walked over placing a small hand on my shoulder "it's all of our homes but right now we need to leave."

"What if.. They never want us back?"

Robins face became unreadable "then we'll deal with that when the time comes"

I sat on the couch and held my head in my hands.

"I had cyborg create another ring for you. So you can stay low and not cause attention toward yourself."

Cyborg cocked an eyebrow "so that's what that was for?"

Robin nodded "now can you show him how to use it?"

"Sure man, but are we all leaving together?"

Robin looked away guiltily as did starfire.

I let a bitter laugh roll out "you don't have to say anything. We got the answer loud and clear"

"Beast boy you don't understand.."

I quickly sat up and stomped over to him "I don't understand? Understand what? That you don't want to be with your best friends anymore? That you just want the Teen titans to split apart?!"

Robins face turned slightly red "star fires pregnant and I think I should spend this time to start my new family off normal and right.."

That shut me up real quick and cyborg looked shocked by all the news we were getting.

Starfire blushed as she instinct fully put a hand on her stomach.

"Oh " was all I could get out.

Robin let out a tired sigh and nodded "now victor could you please show him how to use the ring?"

"Uh yeah man.."

Victor walked over towards me and placed the ring in my palm.

"Okay so when you stick it on and you have to have it on at all times, don't forget that! It's water proof so don't worry about liquids."
I nodded and stuck the ring on.

"Okay see this little dial? You can twist it to get different colors. The ring can only control your hair, eye and skin color. The rest is up to you."

Victor touched he dial and my skin turned a slight tan color instead of my light green.

"See? Now ,what you want to do ,let's say eyes or hair, you flip the little lever up on the side to whichever area you want to personalize"

I nodded and thanked him.
We said our goodbyes to robin and Starfire, we made sure we had each other's numbers before they left.

After they left it felt much more emptier.

An hour later victor came out of his room with a duffle bag.
"I think I'll head to Minnesota to see my family"

I nodded and had my bags at my feet.
"I'm going to Chicago"

Victor raised his eyebrow "why Chicago?"

"I don't know a single person there" I answered simply.

"Fair enough"

We locked the tower up and victor placed his ring on.

He looked handsome in his disguise. And sometimes i forgot we weren't teens anymore.

He waved as he road his car down the road.
I had called a taxi thirty minutes prier, I slipped my ring back on and came up with my look while waiting for my ride.

I left the tan skin and gave myself light brunette hair and left my green eyes.

By the time my taxi Arrived I was ready and nervous to start this year away from everything I knew.

Change. (Beast boy x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now