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A/N: Probably no one cares, but from now on, I'm only going to have the title in the title area, and not in the text. That probably doesn't makes any sense, but whatever. 

"Sorry." they say

For all the pain they've caused

All the tears they've set free

For everything they've ever done

But they say it in quotes

Not because they're speaking

But because they're faking

Acting as if it's not an empty promise

Stuck in their throats

"Sorry." they say

Through fake tears

And plastic grins of sympathy

But when I ask about it

They'll say they didn't want to drag me into

A harsh and brutal reality

They don't realize

I've already been dragged there

Dragged by their artificial love

It's already become my life

"Sorry." they say

For all the things

They think they should apologize for

I wish they'd stop saying sorry

Because it doesn't mean anything anymore

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