There was once a queen
Who sat on a throne
No one really loved her
Yet she was worshipped wherever she would go
It wasn't because she helped her people
Or that she made the world a better place
It was because if nobody worshipped her
They would be a disgrace
Not to fellow people
But to the queen
The ruler believed
That without worship you were nothing
And in every fable ever told
The kings and queens were treated like gold
The queen wanted to be treated like gold
To be a something in a world of nothings
But in order to be a something to her people
The queen had to treat them like something
And herself a nothing
Because in every fable ever told
The kings and queens
Learned to put others before themselves
And then they would be treated like gold
This was hard for the queen to understand
Because all she had known was that
You come first if you sit on a throne
But she finally did it
And the queen was loved
By all she had ever known
There was once a queen
Who sat on a throne