Chapter 3: Taken

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{S e c o n d T i m e E d i t e d}

Mabel's POV:

A strong smell of nature hits my nose as I walk through the woods. I could hear many different sounds such as birds, cicadas, and other things. My bag full of items hits my back as I walk. I see a small house in the distance that I have never seen before. 

It's not very big, just a small cottage. No light is coming from the small windows, and I'm curious. However,  a smoke plume could be seen coming from the chimney. 

I walk forward and wood snaps under my feet. I keep walking closer and end up on the little porch. The porch begins to creak as I step upon it. Before I begin to knock on the cottage door, I hear a whistling come from the woods.

A shiver makes its way down my spine. Yet the whistle was an eerie one, it still spooked me a little bit.

"Hello, young lady," a voice said from the woods. I begin to turn towards the woods when I hear footsteps.

"Hello?" I speak up when I finally turn around while grasping my backpack in front of me. A man is facing me, several feet away from me, he held a lantern in one hand which only helped me see part of his face since the cover from the pine trees blocked the light. 

He had only looked a few years older than me. The man had blonde hair and a black jacket over his shoulders.

"What brought you out here?" He asked me.

I meet his gaze," I was just exploring the woods." I replied.

"Hmmm, would you like anything? Water? Tea?" He asked me.

I shake my head," I think I'm good, I'll just leave ya alone." I replied to the young man with a smile.

He shrugged his shoulders as he walked towards the door of the cottage," Suit yourself. I'll see ya around." The young man said.

As he was getting closer, I smell a familiar scent and it made me feel dizzy. My head starts to feel a little lightheaded and I start to throw off balance,' Great' I say in my mind as my mind becomes black causing me to fall towards the ground.


???'s POV:

"Finally!" I think to myself as I walk up to her unconscious body. Her breathing is even, as she lays on the forest floor.

Her brown hair is spread on the ground as she lays there. I slowly pick her up, bridal style, making sure to not wake her. Her sweater was covered in mud from falling, and I decided to change it when she got to mine. I start to carry her there.

<le time skip>

Mabel lay asleep on my bed, as I pull the black covers over her small body. And I wait for her to wake up, as I walk down the hallway. I snap my fingers, changing that muddy sweater into something else.


Mabel's POV:

I awake in a big room, covered in black sheets and cover. No longer in the woods, I feel a little frightened. A long black and gold dress is there instead of my skirt and sweater. The dress goes to my feet and is tight to my little body. In the front, there was a lace-up bodice, causing it to look like I actually have 'some'. Black and gold brick designed slippers are upon my feet.

I'm a little confused about why I was wearing this as I pull the covers off. My feet hit the ground as I swing them over to the side of the bed. As my feet hit the floor, a creak comes from them. I freeze, not wanting to make any more sound.

I slowly make my way off the bed and glide over to the double French doors that opened up my room that I was in. Picking up my long dress, I poke my head out of the door. A bright light envelopes a hallway that was covered in black rugs with yellow brick designs. Walking out, my dress swished across the floor.

I find the kitchen after walking around this ginormous house. I pull my dark long hair up into a ponytail with a ponytail holder around my wrist. The light is on in the kitchen, and I peek my head in.


???'s POV:

I grab my drink out of the fridge, a small beer in my hand. I really hope Mabel wakes up soon before she sees me after this second drink. Drinking it down, I finish it, throwing it into the trash. I collapse on a chair in the kitchen, running a hand through my blonde hair.

I then hear a breath coming from the doorway. Freezing under the gaze of the person, and I look back and smile.

Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail as the dress contours her small body. Her small eyes become as big as they widen, she had a worried expression on her face.

Mabel gasps as I get up, her breathing sped up. She picks up her dress, making a break for it down the hall. With a small smirk on my face, I begin to walk after her.

When I finally make it out the door, she is running down the long hallway. She would trip once in a while. As she continues to run, I levitate next to her.

"Hello shooting star," I smirk, as I float next to her. Her face shows shock as she begins to slow down and starts to run in the opposite direction. With a small chuckle, I quickly follow after her. As I snake my arms around her waist, Mabel shrieks and I lift her up off the ground.

Mabel gasps and begins to squirm as we ascend higher in the hallway.

"Hello shooting star," I smirk, turning her around to face me.

Her legs kick as I hold her, "Bill? Why am I here?" She asks quickly, a frightened look upon her face but in reply, I smirk once more," Let me go!" Mabel shrieks at the top of her lungs.

We lower to the ground but my grip keeps her there.

"Let me go!" She yells again, squirming in my grip. Her fists begin to pound on my chest in hopes of me to let go.

"No....stop resisting please." I say with calm," I want you to stay here with me." I continue as I stroke her cheek with the back of my hand. Mabel feels uncomfortable in my grasp as I touched her face.

She was about to lift up her arm to hit me but I quickly pin her against the wall, her breath escaped her mouth as she hit the wall.

"Don't do that!" I say, slightly angered.

I decrease the space between us by inching toward her face, my lips almost touching her small ones. Before I could kiss her, she pushes me away with a hard force of her hands. A shocked look is upon my face but is then replaced by desire.

I smirk as she trembles in my grasp as I lift her over my shoulder. Mabel gasps, holding her dress down. "Bill, put me down please!" Mabel replied, trying to be somewhat polite.

I carry her down to her room and shove her in there.

"Mabel you do that again, there will be worse consequences." Is what I say to her.

A disheveled look is upon her face as she rages while running at the door. Her brunette hair covers her face. I close the door in time for her to hit the door. With a flick of my hand, I lock the door as a smirk appears on my lips.


'Damn it, cannot be him!'

Authors note// Yes I know it's weird...please:

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