Chapter 6: Someone's got Anger Issues

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-Okay. So...I really wanted to update! It's been killing me..I only need like 5+ views on the last chapter'll come up eventually..right? But anyway, here's the new chapter. It's a little weird so...sorry..
-Alexandra xoxo

{S e c o n d  T i m e  E d i t e d}

Mabel's POV:

I slowly walk back to my so called 'room'. This dress was going to be the death of me as it got caught in the door. I pull it, finally getting it loose.

I close the door behind me, and fall against it because of the sight in front of me. Clothes were everywhere, hanging on racks and in bags.

A smile was upon my face, Bill really knew how to get to a girl. But I bet he's had practice. For all I know, he could be a player.

Which is not very kind, but I'm still really uneasy about the guy.

I look at the clothes, and see many that I like. It was like my Pinterest board I created like a year ago. The clothes were the exact same.

Wow, he must know me really well.

But I finally picked out an outfit, which consisted of black tights, a royal blue halter dress and yellow flats which matched the yellow headband in my hair.

I pull out the nice curling iron onto the dresser. When I look up, my hair was already curled, which made me smile.

I clip a small gold star necklace around my neck. Heaving a long sigh, I fall onto my so called bed, and flip off the new shoes I had only put on a few minutes ago.

I needed to think this whole situation through, so I could find my way out of it.

But how?

I don't even know why Bill even wanted me. I wasn't even that pretty, people probably thought I was anorexic at my age because of my small body. I had long paler legs and dimples. I wasn't some model that I thought I was when I was 13.

But I actually like my body, and the way I look. Sweaters look great on me now, not a flooded look.

It was cold in my room, and I was debating if I wanted a sweater or not. I wish waddles was here, but I'll see him when I get home.

Since I was cold, I decided to change into some black leggings with socks, and a pink hoodie instead of the fancy dress I was wearing. I wasn't trying to impress Bill by any means so this is what he gets.

After I change, I fall right back on my bed.

All of my thinking has gotten me tired, before I know it, my eyes have fluttered shut. And now to Mabel land!!


I yawn, causing me to wake up. My dreams were about that Smile Dip I had as a kid.

That stuff sounds delicious right now!!

I look above me, and jump away. Bill was above me on the bed, he looked like he was playing with my hair as I slept. Now that's not creepy at all.

I quickly scoot away from him with a creeped out expression.

"Shooting star! You're awake!" Bill exclaims with a smile, before sitting up.

"Really? I wonder why..." I say, with a smug look. This guy was beginning to freak me out.

Bill bites his lip,"It wasn't because of me, star." He says, with a roll of the eyes.

I sit across from him, and push my dress that's I left off my bed

"I doubt that statement is true." I retort, giving him a glare.

He leans in," Oh it wasn't me, you woke yourself up. Thinking about many of them was Smile Dip, and maybe even me but I didn't go that far into your dream," Bill says.

A deep blush is upon my face for no apparent reason. I'm glad it was dark, he couldn't see me that well.

"I think you are very wrong, sir. I did dream about Smile Dip but me dreaming about you? Ha! In your dreams!" I say with a laugh.

"Oh shooting star, I doubt that statement is true," Bill says, almost mocking me.

"It is true, my statement is true!" I say, but a little to loudly. 

He leans closer, "We can test it." Bill states with a smirk.

"I said no kissing! Or even beyond that Bill!" I say to his close face.

"Does that mean you already know, that your statement is false?" He smirks, and backing away.

"No!!" I yell, scooting away, almost falling off my bed. Before I could fall off, he catches my wrist, pulling me back up.

"Then it is false!" He says quickly, putting his hands on both of my wrists.

"You're wrong! I am not!" I struggle a little bit," Let go of me, you two faced dorito!" I squeal.

His hands cup my chin, pulling me to face him.

"What did you say?" He asks, in almost a calm voice.

"Never mind. You don't need to know, because apparently you can't hear!" I say, in a snide tone.

Bill growls, before pulling away. He didn't say anything.

My breathe evens out as I massage my red wrists. He left them red from grasping them so hard.

I fell back onto my bed with a sigh, before I heard my door slam shut....

Wow he has anger problems...

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