Chapter 13: Before the party begins

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Here's a new chapter since y'all want an update, I'll probably wrap up this story soon since I don't work on it very often but Idk if I will. Hope y'all like it!

Bill's POV:

As I walk out of Mabel's room and down the hall, the room where Veronica attacked me was still in pieces but something was missing. The seductress was not tied to the pole anymore yet the rope was still there.

She probably had someone come help her before we got back. I snapped my fingers and everything started to go back to normal. I then realized I still had a party to plan, the one I do every year. Hopefully, it won't freak Mabel out too much since I will be inviting many of my friends. I begin to levitate towards my kitchen.

Mabel's POV:

A yawn escapes my mouth as my eyes slowly open. I quickly stretch my arms as I pull the covers away from me. Throwing my feet over the side, I realized I was still in Bill's mansion.

A small sigh escaped my lips as I notice a note left on the bedside table. It read:

Meet me in the kitchen when you wake up
-Bill :)

Sleepily I decided to get up while rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. "Might as well," I mumble to myself before walking over to the closet nearby.

Looking over my attire, I still had the sweatshirt and torn leggings on with the black socks on my feet. Swiping through the clothes, all I could find was nice dresses and clothes- nothing casual.

I finally find a simple black jumpsuit that had short sleeves and a gold and black belt. I pull on the clothes and a pair of slip-on shoes.

Quickly, I pull my hair up into a ponytail before leaving my room. As I make my way to the kitchen, I admire the hallway more than I did before. Making to the kitchen, I push open the door and Bill has plates and bowls strewn all throughout the kitchen.

"Morning?" I greet Bill and he freezes. Almost like I caught a puppy tearing apart a pillow. He looks up at me then smiles before placing a bowl he had in his hands on the counter.

"Good morning, my shooting star!" Bill said before pulling me into a hug. I quickly hug him back before pulling away, I still had an uncomfortable look on my look.

"What exactly are you doing?" I ask with a curious look on my face.

He quickly walks back over behind the counter before replying," Um well, I'm trying out food for the party I'm throwing." Bill said as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Can't you just make it appear?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow.

He hesitated before replying," Yes but no, if I make it appear I want it to taste good." Bill finishes before grabbing the same bowl he had before. I quickly nod in response before looking around the room once again noticing he had food splattered on the walls too.

I snicker before turning back to him," Made a mess, didn't ya?" I ask him. A small embarrassed look swept across his face.

"I'll clean it up when I'm done," Bill reassured me.

I rose an eyebrow in response," What exactly is this all for?" I ask him before pointing to the kitchen with a curious look.

Bill placed the bowl he was holding and leaned against the counter," Do you know why everyone came over before the kidnapping situation?" He asked me.

"Some party they wanted to plan," I replied.

He swept a hand through his hair before replying, "Well, that party is still going to happen. It is in a few hours, so I need to ask you a favor." Bill said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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