One. The Meeting.

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Knowing Laura is packing up her stuff right now while I'm at work isn't as traumatic as I would have expected. It's been coming for a long time, our constant bickering, her late nights out when I wasn't working. It was only a matter of time before it all fell apart.

My partner from before Laura, Paul, always said I wouldn't last with a woman. He nearly laughed in my face when I told him. But I liked Laura, loved her later on, but I think that all fizzled a long time ago.

She was never truly comfortable with the fact that I'm bisexual, even though I was up front and honest with her. I told her of Paul, and other lovers I've had, and at first she seemed to accept it. But as time went on, if she so much as saw me speak to a man, she'd get mad, asking me if I was going to run off and sleep with them. Apparently being bisexual automatically made me a cheater too.

So here I am, working at O'Malley's while she's clearing herself from my apartment. It's quiet tonight, Monday normally a slow night. There are a few regulars in, the old men who don't seem to have anywhere else to go. And a bit ago, I saw a couple walk in and find a booth across from the bar.

I work, mostly busy work to keep myself occupied but I feel like someone is watching me. I ignore the feeling, tending to my regulars and listening to Bill tell the story of his last fishing expedition. It's weird, but I feel like I've heard this story already.

My phone buzzes under the bar and I check it, a text from Laura telling me she left her key on the kitchen island. I respond and say okay, safe travels but it's almost as if a weight has been lifted from me.

I head to the back to grab bottles, restocking the bar of what the weekend killed off. I walk backwards, pushing the doors open with my ass and the bottles held in front of me. I turn towards the bar and nearly drop everything when the couple I noticed earlier is sitting right at the bar.

"Hi," the woman says to me, her bright blue eyes shining. "Hello, how can I help you?" I ask back, setting the bottles into their proper places. I take small glances at the woman and quickly come to the conclusion that she's beautiful. Her blonde hair is cut to a bob, her big eyes lined with dark makeup. Her lips are plump, perfectly pink and if I'm not mistaken, I see a dimple.

"I'm sure you can help me. But for now, can I have a vodka gimlet please?" I nod and turn to the man and nearly fall over. He might be even more beautiful than the woman. He looks tall, and slender, his jaw defined and covered in light stubble. He may be the perfect example of tall, dark and handsome. His hair stands up in places, like he runs his hands through it and then a vision flashes through my mind. Stop it, dude.

"Anything for you, sir?" He smiles and has a perfect set of white, straight teeth. "Can I just have a Jack and coke please?" I nod and turn, working to make their drinks. I can hear them whispering, giggles coming from the woman. I hear something about "we will, just wait" but I don't begin to guess what that means.

"Here you are," I say, sliding the drinks across the bar. "Start a tab?" The man nods and hands me his card, his hand barely grazing mine. I look up at the feeling and he smiles, his eyes bright.

"So," the woman starts, "what's your name?" I wipe a wet spot on the bar. "My name is Harry." She smiles, taking a drink. "Oh, I like that name. I'm Avery, this is Alex," she says, motioning to the man next to her.

"Well, hello. Welcome. What brings you in on this weeknight? Not much happening here." They smile at each other and the woman leans closer. "We're scouting."

"Scouting for what?" The man smiles and leans on the bar. "You'll find out soon enough." I just shrug and continue wiping the bar, gathering the dollar bills my regulars have left me.

"So, Harry," the woman, Avery, says to me. "Are you in a relationship?" I find the question odd and nearly ignore it. But, I answer.

"No, not anymore. My ex is moving out as we speak." Alex frowns and looks to Avery, who shrugs slightly. "Well, we're sorry about that. How are you feeling about that?"

"I feel fine actually. It's been a long time coming. She just couldn't deal with some things about me and I couldn't change. So. There you go." I don't know what makes me say all of that and I slap a hand over my mouth.

"What could she not handle about you? Sorry, but you're cute enough I'd deal with just about everything." I smile and thank her, moving to refill her drink.

"Well," Alex says, "you're better off, I'm sure. What could someone not handle about you?" I just shake my head, handing him another drink.

"Nothing major. But, it's about closing time. So I'll run your card and close the tab, okay?" Alex nods and downs his drink, leaning in to whisper to Avery. She nods and smiles, sipping the last of her drink.

I bring the slip to Alex to sign and he does, leaving me a ten dollar tip. "Do you work tomorrow, Harry?" Alex asks. I nod. "Good." Avery says, slipping from the stool. "We'll see you tomorrow, alright?" Alex asks, slipping his wallet into his pocket.

"Okay... Be safe," I say, watching them leave. They're both so attractive I'm battling a near hard on. I adjust myself and move to lock up the bar. I clean slowly, not in the mood to head home to my empty apartment yet. But there's only so much I can do, so I finish quickly and head home.

My apartment is dark, almost sad now that so much of the decor is gone. The furniture was all mine so at least I still have that. I head to my room, just my room now not our room, and strip, climbing into bed in just my briefs. I fall asleep anxious to see Alex and Avery again.

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