Six. The Call In.

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Waking up on Monday, I replay this weekend in my mind. Saturday night, well and Sunday morning, was so intense and incredible. But my mind today won't let things be.

I have a feeling they'll come in to the bar to see me. For some reason, we didn't exchange numbers, so I'm thinking they'll go to the bar and arrange a next time. I'm a bit freaked, if I'm honest. I can't believe it even happened, let alone could happen again.

The more I lay around and think, the more I feel a bit ill. A headache is starting and I just know I need another day of sleep. I think about calling in to work, but don't want to put the work on someone else.

As I lay, praying the headache will subside, I think about this weekend. Images of Avery's perfect tits and pussy, Alex's hard, pulsing cock and his tight little asshole. I look to see my dick tenting the sheets.

I lick my palm and grab myself, slowly stroking while I think about early Sunday morning. After we all came, we passed out, a pile on the bed. But I woke to fingers pressing against my balls and my ass, a giggle happening behind me when I moaned.

I felt a finger press against my hole as a wet something enveloped my cock. The thought makes me stroke quicker. I opened my eyes and saw Alex licking at my cock and turned to see Avery push a finger in and out of me.

I moaned and bucked against both of them, Avery's finger made me tingle and Alex's mouth made me shutter. I think about that while I fuck my fist now, squeezing tight when I think of Alex swallowing all of my come.

Soon I'm bucking in bed, desperately wishing they were here to fuck me. I moan and pant, my cock so hard it hurts. I continue to tug, my other hand reaching to squeeze and rub against my balls. The feeling makes me come, soaking my hand in my seed.

I know instantly that I'm not going to work. I need time to recover, get my head on straight. I call my boss, putting on a sick voice and telling him I'm suffering a migraine. He says it's fine, no issues since I've never called in before, and tells me he'll call to check on me tomorrow. I curl into my sheets and go back to sleep.


Tuesday morning finds me still in bed, but feeling better. My phone rings and I scramble to get to it. My boss's name flashes on the screen.

"Feeling better?" I tell him I am. "Well you had a couple come in asking for you, very sharp dressed. Gorgeous girl, if I'm honest. Friends of yours?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Well, I'll be in tonight. I'm feeling better. Thank you for checking on me." He says no problem and hangs up.

I finally venture out of bed and find something to eat, my stomach grumbling while I look. I eat and waste time, picking up the apartment, doing some laundry until it's time to go to work.

I arrive early, relieving the person who covered for me last night. I wipe the bar down and check the stock behind the bar. I serve the regulars, the older men who seem to be here no matter the day and time.

My stomach is tight, anxious feelings swirling around my body. I know they walk in when my skin prickles, awareness flooding me. I attempt to ignore them, moving around the bar.

"Hey Harry," Avery nearly purrs from across the bar. "Hi. Your usuals?" I ask them, moving to start their drinks before I get an answer. "You know us so well, Harry," Alex says with a wink.

I'm glad the regulars are too drunk already, or too focused on getting drunk, to pay attention to my friends. They'd be staring for sure.

"So," Avery says, taking a sip when I slide the drink to her, "where were you yesterday? We came looking for you."

"I'm sorry you wasted the trip, but I was suffering a migraine. Thought it best to sleep it gone." Alex looks to Avery, shrugging a bit. "We think you were avoiding us," he says.

I shake my head but don't meet their eyes. "No, I didn't do that." They both laugh and lean closer to me. "It's okay, it was intense, it was amazing. It was overwhelming. We feel that way too, you know." Avery smiles at the end of her speech.

"Really?" They both nod and make eyes at me, the two of them so fucking good looking it hurts me a little. "Okay," I say, moving closer to them, "I was a bit overwhelmed. But I did have a migraine."

"Well, we're sorry, babe," Alex says. "Is that old store room still unoccupied?" I look around and see only two people lingering, but both stand to leave. I give Alex and Avery a finger saying to wait a minute, and head to my regulars.

"You guys are leaving already?" The older man smiles, nodding. "Yeah, Steve and me here are hungry so we're heading down the street to Denny's. We may be back, we haven't decided yet."

I nod and tell them to have a good night and look around to realize it's just Alex, Avery and I. They smile at me, standing up off the stools. I look and realize it's only an hour until closing. So I move to the door, lock and it and pull down the blinds, the bar now hidden.

"Come here," I say to them, moving toward the bar. I move in and kiss Avery before moving to turn the lights low. Only the bar is barely lit.

I kiss Avery as I lean to pull down her pants, lifting her onto the bar. I kiss her and finger at her pussy, not surprised to find her already wet. "Lie back," I whisper against the skin of her neck.

She does as I ask and then I turn, dropping to pull Alex's pants down. I lean forward, taking his cock into my mouth for just a moment before standing, dropping my own pants.

"Fuck me while I eat her?" I ask him, grinning when he nods. I turn to face Avery and dive in, licking at the lips of her dripping pussy. I use my fingers to spread her, my tongue licking at her clit before diving into her slit.

As I lick, I hear Alex cover himself, dropping spit on to himself to lube his cock. He presses against me, a drop of spit falling into my crack. Avery moans when I suck her clit and Alex pushes in, filling me completely.

"Oh fuck," I moan into her pussy, my hands moving to hold onto her thighs. Alex holds my hip with one hand and the bar with the other. He pumps quickly, thrusting in and out, forcing my face into Avery.

"Lick right there baby, fuck," she moans, gripping my head to hold me onto her. I feel her quiver, her hand tightening on my head and comes, her sweet juice soaking my face.

I move a hand to my cock and stroke once, coming around Alex, and he moans, thrusting once more and holding himself into me while he comes. "Fuuuuuck," he moans, his cock throbbing in my ass.

"Don't avoid us again, babe," Alex says. "We want you, you want us, it's all okay." He pulls from me and kisses me once before we get dressed, heading out in the night with plans to meet again.

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