"Life sucks. Life doesn't care. No one cares. I hate life. All it gives me is people who tease me. I've never had anything to be proud of or anyone one to love me."
I have a diary to write my emotions, It never gets boring and it never ends. Like time. The bell is just about to ring. I walk out of the classroom and get a drink of water. The bell rings and I sit down in my desk. I look over and see a pathetic little creature. A classmate staring straight down on his paper. A thought arises in my mind but I quickly erase it. No one loves me. There's no point in flirting with guys.
I walk over to lunch and the fat lunch lady drops a glob of "the destroyer" onto my plate. I sit down and look through my bag. As soon as I see that two stitches on the seams are in a different angle, I know it isn't mine. The side of it says Nikko. The sun sinks down lazily casting shadows on the pavement. I look on my shoulder and think to myself," Why did I bring this stupid pest's bag." I guessed that It was probably to burn it. I opened the door to my house and took of my school clothes. I slid on a night gown and curled into a ball. My eyelids slowly closed but were jerked open again.
"My bag had my diary in it!!!!"
All of the sudden I was mad at Nikko but I knew it wasn't him. It was everything. I was mad at life and time for taking away everything and crushing it! I hated everything, not just Nikko. I ran into the kitchen and reached for the knife. I thrusted it towards my chest,willingly prepared.Then something stopped me. Shaking, I looked over and saw a little girl, it was me. Well.. it wasn't me it was Lily. The old Lily. The one before my parents were slaughtered. She was crying and stopped my blade. I burst into tears as the old me disappeared into a wisp of smoke.
HorreurColor, love, a cute girl in my class... Gone. Taken away from me from darkness itself. It shows no mercy and has no pain. Without end or beginning, and yet, what I fear most is myself