Chapter 5: The Big Secret (part 1)

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Chapter 5


Sahvannah wakes up to laughter coming from downstairs.
As she enters the kitchen she sees Haylee and Jamie sitting talking to her mom eating pancakes.
"Um what's going on here?" Sahvannah asks confused.
"Your friends stopped by to hang out with you I guess, and there keepers their amazing.." her mom goes on.
"Mom!! Stop!!" Sahvannah says embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, now I have to get to work make your self some cereal."
"You guys didn't save me any pancakes?"
"Um obviously not." Haylee said sarcastically.
"Bye Sahvannah I love you" her mom yells from the other room.
"Bye mom."
"Oh hi Ross." Sahvannah hears her mom say.
"Hey." Ross says sounding in a rush.
"Hey babe" Sahvannah says hugging Ross.
"You guys ready for the party tonight?" Ross asks.
"Oh we're still going to that?" Haylee asks.
"If you guys are up for it, then yeah."
"Hey um Haylee can I talk to you upstairs for a sec.?" Sahvannah asks nervously.
"Yeah sure."

Sahvannah takes Haylee upstairs and tells the darkest secret.
Then Haylee tells Jamie but everyone leaves Ross in the dark about the secret.

*At the party*

"Hey everyone I have an announcement!" Marley yells.
"Sahvannah has a little secret. Does anyone want to know the real reason Sahvannah and her mom had to move to L.A.?"
"What are you talking about? It was my moms job." Sahvannah says nervously.
"Oh shut up that's not true. The truth is Sahvannah was kicked out of school because she caused a suicide. Yeah she caused someone to feel so bad about them selves that they ended it. Anyone remember the story on the news about Ryan Anderson who killed himself yeah that suicide was because of this bitch here.
"Bitch how do you know about that??"
"I looked into your permanent records."
"How did you get those?"
"My mom, you know the principal at your old school, gave them to me."
"Can I knock this bitch out already?" Jamie interrupts
Tyler steps in and hold Jamie back "don't do anything stupid."
"Your so lucky!" Jamie yells.
"Oh calm down, I just thought Ross would like to know the truth about his little girlfriend."
"What do you mean?" says Ross
"When you nod your head yes and really mean no."
"Not the time Haylee!" Sahvannah yells.
"Haha oh right."
"Back to your question Ross, your little girlfriend caused another student to kill him self  because she was bullying him."
"Stop lying, she's perfect your just jealous!" Ross raises his voice.
"No she's not! Hey Sahvannah don't you remember Ryan?" Marley says smirking.
"I'm gonna kill her!" Sahvannah yells as she lunges towards Marley.
"Stop!" Ross yells.
"Just like you killed Ryan!" Marley says.
"YOU BITCH!" Sahvannah yells.
"Wait hold up, who's Ryan?" Haylee says confused.
"Uh Haylee she told us this morning." Jamie said.
"OH! Him haha." Haylee says laughing.
"You aren't the brightest crayon in the box are you?" Rocky interrupts.
"She's some what smart she just had to much punch." Sahvannah says.
"Ohhhh haha."
"Haha your cute Rocky." Haylee says.
"Thanks." Rocky says smiling.
"Wait so who's Ryan?" Ross asks confused.
"Nobody." Sahvannah answers quickly.
"Not anymore!" Haylee says
Everyone glares at Haylee.
"I said that out loud didn't I?"
"YES!" Sahvannah yells.
"Ohhhh" Haylee says as she backs away.

"Sahvannah can we talk?" Ross says angrily.
"Can we talk later?"
"NO we're gonna talk now." Ross says while aggressively grabs her arm.
"Ow Ross stop! You're hurting me!" Sahvannah screams.
Haylee punches Ross in the face "Sahvannah lets go!"
Ross looks up holding his right eye.
"I said lets go!" Haylee yells.
Sahvannah leaves with Haylee and Jamie by her side.


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