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I was just leaving the library in search of the music room, turns out there is more than one. I got instructions to one of them and was heading that way. As I was walking down a hall way I found a sign that said music room #3 and I smiled glad to have found one. As I opened the door I was shocked to find the room full of young ladies and seven young men. I just stood there glued to the spot trying to take in the scene in front of me.

"looks like we have a new guest," a tall dark hair guy with glasses said as he noticed me standing there.

"I ...uh... think I'm lost" I say as the rest of the boys come over and I notice the Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi among them.

" Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi, this young mans in your class is he not?" the guy with the glasses asks the three of them.

"yeah. He's a new student" the twins say in unison.

"I am so sorry I was just looking for the music room I didn't mean to barge into your" I say a tad bit confused and trying to get out of this room of people staring at me.

"why are you looking for a music room?" a small boy with blonde hair asks in the cutest way possible. As he sits on the shoulders of a tall dark haired guy.

"um...I'm looking for a quiet place to play my music," I say quietly.

"you play an instrument?" I hear an excited voice and turn to see that it belongs to a tall guy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"uh...... yeah I'm not very good at playing it tho." I say quietly hugging my song book close to my chest.

"what do you play?" he asks.

"the guitar, flute and the piano and....some others" I say and look at the ground shyly.

"wow that's a lot," Haruhi says and I look up and give him a shy smile.

As we were talking many of the girls had all left and I felt better now that there aren't as many people watching me. I look around the room and spot a grand piano and I smile to myself as I look at the rest of the room.

"what kind of club is this?" I ask and the tall blonde turns to me.

"this is the host club." he says and I just look at him not knowing what the host club is. "we entertain young ladies who have way too much time on their hands." he explains and I smile.

"this club sounds interesting but I wouldn't be able to join it," I say as I turn towards the door ready to leave.

"why not?" he asks and I turn to face him.

"I have my reasons" I say looking down.

"why not give it a try?" He says and I smile once more.

"it's not that simple." I start to say but am cut off by my cell ringing. I look at it a slightly wince as I see that it's my mother calling me. "excuse me," I say before answering the phone. "hello?"

"where are you? you were support to be home at 4:00pm and you know what time it is? its 5:30pm!!!!" she yells at me and I have to hold the phone away from me and all the host club guys can hear her.

"I'm sorry I was held up mother," I try to explain but she starts to yell once more.

"I don't want your excuses get home now!!!" and with that she hung up.

"that sounded like she was mad." the tall dark haired guy with glasses stated and I just nodded

"she's always mad at me" I sigh and I remember I haven't told them my name yet. " by the way, my name is Alex Half-elven"

"my names Kyoya Ootori I'm a second year along with Tamaki Suoh," he said gesturing to the tall blonde. "this is Mitsukunie Haninozuka also known as Honey and Takashi Morinozuka also known as Mori, they are third years and you already know the twins Hikaru and Kaoru and Haruhi. he said pointing to the others in turn.

"it was very nice to meet all of you but I'm afraid I must go I might see all of you tomorrow," I say cheerfully and wave goodbye to them.

I walk down the street thinking about everything that has happened today and I smile to myself only to be pulled from my thoughts by one of my step-sisters.

"why do you look so happy?" she says shoving me to the ground. It was Anna she was a year older than me but I'm a whole head taller than her. she has dark brown hair and eyes and she hates me for some reason and tries to make my life a living hell as best she can.

"no reason," I say blankly picking up my things which are sprawled all over the ground.

" you have no reason to be happy I mean look at you nobody wants to be friends with a freak like you," she says snickering to herself.

"I have no need for friends," I straight up say as I stand up off the ground with my things in my arms.

Anna just knocks my things to the ground again and walks away her head held high like she was the queen of the world. I just picked up my things once more and followed her home. as soon as I got through the door I was attacked by my twin step-brothers, Jake and Joe who are both blonde with green eyes and they are 2 years younger than me. they have me pinned to the ground and where going through my school bag, pulling out all the books and papers until they came to my cell phone and went through that as well. I push them off grabbing my phone and picking up my books and things.

"what is your problem?" I ask as I place my things back in my school bag.

"Anna wants us to find out why you're so happy," they chirp before running off down the hall.

"ALEX!!!" I cringe as mother yells my name as I enter the dining room. "YOU ARE SO LATE CARE TO EXPLAIN YOOURSELF!!!" she continues to yell.

"Everyone at Ouran Academy must join a club and I was looking around to find one I would be interested in joining." I say as I drop my bag on the floor and grab the plates, starting to set up the table for dinner.

"I'm pretty sure they don't have loser clubs in a private rich kid school," my brown haired step-sister Heather says laughing at me.

"what club would want you as a member?" the twins ask in unison.

"I haven't found a club to join yet," I simply say as I finish setting the table.

"because no one wants you in their club. why would they?" the twins Rouge and Rain both black haired with blue eyes, they are 2 years older than me and very nosey.

"maybe but I need to join a club. school rules," after saying that I headed to the garage which is also my room to work on my music. After two hours I head inside for something to eat, which is any leftovers, which is also my lunch for the next day. my family thinks very little of me so I receive very few things.

After I finished up inside (cleaning and packing up the leftovers) I head back to my room to do homework before bed.

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