Chapter 10

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Umair's POV

The morning ray hit my face and I was feeling so relaxed of the scene I first met,the blue mountains and the silent view and just then my phone start to buzz and all the last nights memories returned with a pain which ran through the nerves and shot on my head. Oh ya allah help me to get through this .
I had missed my fajr oh ya allah forgive me for this .I had my wudhu and started praying my Ishraq prayers and dressed up .we had no school and have to sort out this problem . should I find what happened or should I put my money and finish the problem off. My phone lit and I saw the 10 missed calls from Rizwan .
Why the idiot have called me 10 times and was he repenting or is he to start a new fight .whatever I would call him and make the decision .

"Assalamulaikum "I greeted as I felt I shouldn't fight because of a simple problem .
Walaikumsalam Umair .I'm sorry for yesterdays incident and that's wasn't my fault .I couldn't even sleep last night. It was my friends who pulled them and had a treat . and now they are vanished . Its all my fault I promise to pay you back "

"Oh that's fine even I thought of leaving it out but I just wanted to know what happened for the money and You know that's my Responsibility's to care of it .leave it out dude ill take care of it"
I consoled him .

"I should have not scold you am sorry"

"Oh men leave it out .would you mind joining us for lunch ? "

"Oh cool inshallah where about? "

"At my place be sure assalamualikum"

"Walaikumsalam dude"

I shut my phone down and left a message for Farhan ( meet u at lunch come home )
I ordered for some indian briyani .and in minutes I heard a knock on the door and it would be surely farhan .

"Come in boy " I called from the room

"Assalamulikum dude "Entered Farhan

"Walaikumsalam dude .how about some cornflakes?" It wasn't already made or I was making but he knew that I'm telling to make me some .

"Sure boy" he ran to the kitchen.and once it was ready we ate plenty .

"Is your problem solved" he questioned stretching his legs to the sofa.

"Yay.. Just check rizwans message in ma phone"I threwed my phone to his lap.

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