Mismatched Twilight

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Okay this story is going to be about if Bella was the Cullen insted of Edward.

So the things that have changed from the original Twilight are:

Bella Marie Cullen is a "vegetarian" vampire who is 110 years (born on June 20, 1901)

Edward Anthony Masen is an average human, but seems like he is older because of his gentleman-ness

His parents are Elizabeth and Anthony Masen and they don't want him dating snotty girls and have asked them to wait for the "right girl".

Okay obviously there'll be no Nessie but I'm not sure if I should add in Jacob or not.

Tell me what you think?

I'm going to go work on chapter one now!


Oh wait also any ideas for a better title?

Lemme know!

K thanks byeeee! :D

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