Chapter 5

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Hope you guys are enjoying this story, keep reading.

-Mimi <3


Alice's P.O.V

I jumped through Bella's window, unexpectingly slipping on the freshly swiffered floors. I slid across the floor and tumbled onto a pile of her soiled underwear. As I shrieked in surprising disgust and hopped to my feet, then I had to peel a pair of the soiled panties that were stuck to my face.

"You outta think about wiping your ass before wiping your floors super clean." I said, coldly.

Bella nonchalantly continues to eat her fresh scab she pulled off earlier.

Anger rages through my system because of her uncaring attitude. I moon walked over to her with my new bedazzled converse and slapped her across her face with my unwashed wiping hand that I used an hour earlier when I went number two in the bathroom.

I left the room in disgust wondering what the hell is wrong with these people? All of this reminds me of the time back when I was a kid, my real father used to fart under the covers and put me in a dutch oven until I could guess what he had eaten. I could remember so many times that the smell was so thick, I could taste it in my mouth. Oh the sick and twisted memories.

My stomach is now feeling upset, I zoomed towards the bathroom.

I made my way in the bathroom and shut the door.

I sat down on the cool seat as I feel the gases in my stomach start to rumble. Like the flick of a switch, my butt exploded from the gaseous pressure like the bass rhythem of a good rap song. My butt beat boxed sputtering wet fluids within me.

When the song was over, as I reached for the toilet paper, I felt nothing, it was all gone.

"God dammit." I mumbled to myself.

I looked around the bathroom for some kind of help and all I could see was the colored towels hnging near by, how convienent that one of them is a dark brown color, it's my lucky day.

After I did my business, I folded them into wash rag size and put them in linnin cabinet. Once again I leave the bathroom without washing my hands. Who's got time for that as I reached to pull something out of my teeth.

Rosalie strolled down the hall and was struck by the smell in the bathroom, then Rosalie decides to use the bathroom later because the bathroom stunk.

Rosalie's P.O.V

As I was hoping to use the bathroom, I walked down the hall and was struck by the smell emitting from the bathroom. I decided I'll just use it later until after I go out.

I hop scotched to the front door singing My Little Pony, I continued to sing the chorus until I got onto my 14 year old, one eyed, big balled donkey. I could feel the heat coming up off the road as Mr. Tibbits and I click clacked our way to town, as I looked behind me, I could see a trail of ball sweat that's been dripping off from Mr. Tibbits.

Up the road, I could see what looked like Emmett's car. As we trotted up beside the car, I could see what it appeared to be a big brown wet stain in the drivers seat. I wondered...

I looked around the place to see if Emmett was anywhere around, then I found him sitting on a curb in front of the woods. Mr. Tibbits and I ride over to where Emmett was sitting.

Emmett smiles with delight as he saw me trott up beside him as I say, "What happened in your car?" 

Emmett looked puzzled as he was too busy being worried about a creature, he had forgotten what had happened in his car.

"T-that's..not i-important." Emmett stuttered.

"Hm." I jumped off Mr. Tibbits.

Emmett was informing me about the suspicious looking 8 foot tall creature that he had seen earlier. I could see whatever it was, it had him disturbed.

"I'd been sitting here for over an hour and I'm starving." Emmett said.

"You're at an ice cream shop." I replied, pointing to it with a look that says  'You dumbass!'

"Oh..oh yeah. My mind must've been somewhere else." Emmett shook his head.

"Well let's go get some ice cream!" I said.

"Nah, I've already had some, also pushed old couples, let's go feed." Emmett told me, standing up.

As if Emmett hasn't already been through enough, when he stood up, he got dizzy from sitting too long, he lost balance and tripped going face first into Mr. Tibbits sweaty balls.






-Mimi <3





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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2012 ⏰

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