Chapter Thirteen

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The conversation didn't get much further than the caring, terrified embraces. After a long bout of silence, Mondo's mother finally broke it by plopping dinner down in front of the both of them. Not before giving her son the strongest death look though. She didn't use any words to interfere, but she made her presence known between the two of them. Especially when Chihiro was off to bed. He could hear Mondo's mother stating that they would remain in separate rooms. And if he even so much as thought to step foot in Chihiro's room, he would be hanging from that swing set outside. Chihiro wondered if he was a promiscuous teen who had problems sneaking his significant others into his room. The thought of Junko sharing anything more than a hug with his boyfriend made him shudder.

Mondo's mother was so intimidating. She stopped directing all her words to Chihiro and now focused on her son. But with dropping all her conversation with Chihiro, at least she had stopped calling him "boy". The way she used the term was uncomfortable, like she was taking a jab at the whole situation. Her son. Her strong, handsome son in love with another boy. Like it disgusted her. And if she knew anything of Junko, the difference between his partner choice also had to be a huge surprise. Even if he were a girl, Chihiro didn't exactly fit the description of a gang leader's love interest. He turned over in his bed, staring at the bright screen of his hand held. He couldn't sleep, so playing a little mindless video game would maybe put his mind at ease.

He tapped at the screen with the stylus, his breath gathering heavy in his chest. There was no way he was going to get any comfortable sleep tonight. For one, the conversation wasn't settled. After the long embrace and dinner, there was nothing more on the topic. The two instead sat in silence and caught up on all the homework Mondo had missed in his absence. And not without his mother's watchful eye. It was enjoyable being in his boyfriend's company. But Chihiro couldn't help the feeling of unease that settled in his stomach the whole time. Quiet moments alone were always so pleasant, but they diminished the second they were in front of everyone else. And what kind of person was Mondo going to be when he returned? If he returned.

Chihiro narrowed his eyes, growing frustrated with the brightness of his screen. This wasn't making sleep come any faster, so he clicked the little console shut and flipped to lay on his back. The room was warm, and he forewent his normal wispy pajamas for something more covered. Just in case he had to get up in the middle of the night for a drink or the bathroom, and Mondo's mother happened to be there guarding the way. He flipped the blankets from his body, moving his legs against the bed so the legs of his pants would push up further. Why did she keep the house so hot? Or was he still just so jumbled with nerves that his temperature was sky rocketing? It was so uncomfortable.

Another thing that was uncomfortable was that he was sleeping in Daiya and Mondo's old room. Mondo mentioned that because of the small space in the house, the two had to share a room growing up. Though his mother stored most everything now to make this a guest bedroom. There was a pile of clothes in the corner that made it evident that this is where Mondo had been sleeping throughout the week. Although this bed was much too small for him now. This room had to have been vacant for years now. At least not since before he came to the academy. Some pictures still adorned the walls, and a few of their childhood toys sat atop the dresser. It was a strange mix of emotions. Warmth because of the pictures scattered about. Awkwardness because he was sleeping in a bed that could have belonged to his boyfriend growing up. Or to his boyfriend's deceased brother. And sadness because he knew so many memories vanished from his room after Daiya passed.

With a long sigh, he rolled over in bed, attempting to shut his eyes for some sleep.

He heard the door handle shimmy and picked his head up from the pillow. A small trail of light trickled into the room before the door swung open, someone sneaking inside. Mondo stood against the door, pressing it closed with his back. It clicked into place and he stood still. His mother had banished him to the living room downstairs where he should have been sleeping on the couch. That was about half an hour ago after she finished chastising him right outside this bedroom door."You awake?" he questioned in the lowest whisper he could manage.

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