Chapter Two

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The final bell of the class day sounded and like lightening, Mondo stood from his chair and hastily made his way out of the room without so much of a word to Chihiro. The small boy assumed it was another way to be inconspicuous, as this was how he always left the second they were freed from class. So the programmer slowly collected his things with a calm smile, packing them away within in his messenger bag. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the rest of his classmates filing out, but Junko was creeping slower than usual. The model stood from her chair and sauntered her way through the aisle, intentionally kicking at Chihiro's chair as she went by.

Glancing up with a small huff through his nostrils, Chihiro stared at his beautiful classmate, nervously licking at his bottom lip. Hopefully she wouldn't try to follow him around and ruin his and Mondo's rendezvous in the rec-room. It was one thing to be curious, but she was downright invasive. Even more so than she had ever been when a secret that she caught wind of was going around. The boy took in a slow breath to calm himself, snapping his bag shut before heaving it over his shoulder as he stood. He drifted from the classroom, taking an immediate left to stop by his bedroom before his meeting. As swiftly as he turned, he collided with the large body idly waiting outside the door.

Mondo braced himself, whipping a hand from his pants pocket to steady his little mate. Chihiro blushed furiously, lowering his attention to the ground with a smile hidden behind his balled fist. "I'm sorry," he murmured gently "I wasn't... expecting you to be there..." His curved lips pursed behind his hand as he bashfully looked up at his boyfriend, wavering nervously on his heels. "I thought you were already going upstairs..."

"I was, but... uhhh... thought I would... walk you up there," Mondo muttered in return, anxiously extending his hand as he attempted to conceal the color rushing to his cheeks. He managed to keep his voice low because even though they had established the attraction between them, talking to someone he cared about on a romantic level was still difficult without raising his voice.

Chihiro giggled, outstretching his own hand, his little fingers taking their place within Mondo's palm. "I was actually going to stop by my room first to change out of my uniform," he murmured, wandering past the taller man, leading him by the hand towards the dormitory. "If you don't mind waiting, I'll just be a moment..."

Mondo jerked his hand slightly, pulling the little one towards him and wrapping his arm around the boy's shoulder. The hallway was empty at this point, as everyone had scattered towards their destination for the evening, so he felt a bit more comfortable being affectionate. "I'll just meet you up there," the biker smirked, pecking a kiss on Chihiro's cheek before coolly turning towards the stairs. The boy squeaked as he pressed his fingertips against the warm spot along his cheek, feeling his insides melt and his lips curve into another bashful smile.

Chihiro turned on his heel, nearly skipping down the hallway towards his room to change and freshen up. He quickly flew open his door, accidentally letting the handle slide from his hand, the force of his excitement causing the door to slam against the wall inside. Responding with a small chirp and a giggle to himself, he closed it behind him, flinging his messenger bag onto his bed. He took a deep breath and buried his face in his hands, letting out a tiny squeal of happiness. It felt so good to have a boyfriend, and this was only the first day. "Calm down or you're going to scare him off!" he thought to himself as he quickly removed his clothing, standing in nothing but his undergarments and his uniform dress shirt. All his other clothing was tossed carefully into a nearby hamper. "Just be cool... Mondo's being cool..." he continued to chat to himself as he rummaged through his closet, looking over a couple cute spring dresses he normally wore for days out with the group. Since he spent the majority of his time in his school uniform, he didn't wear his other clothes too often. Meaning it was rare for him to put in the effort of dressing up.

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