Chapter 4: Leaving And Coming Back!

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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter~

Dedication: myawesomestar6   <-- Thanks for commenting on my story and liking it!! <3


"I don't want just words. If that's all you have for me, you'd better go." ― F. Scott Fitzgerald.


~..About A Month Later.. ~

Lucy had stayed in her room for a full week. She never went to the guild and only got up to eat or write to her mom. Lucy concluded her fear of family and magic. She would only summon her spirits if she needed to talk to someone. Loke and Virgo come out on their own occasionally though.

The two spirits were always worried about their friend, but had kept it to themselves. Loke and Virgo would tell Lucy's spirits that she was alright but hadn't gone on any missions lately. And Lucy's spirits would believe them.

Lucy walked over to her desk to write to her mother.

Dear Mother,

After a full week of thinking, I've decided to come up with something even though I might regret it later. FairyTail was my family but now.. I don't know what they are to me. I've lost track of how many days it has been since he left.

But it's too late.

I've decided to give the guild one more chance. And if they break that chance.. I'm officially going to leave. Hopefully I am doing the right thing. I deserve to go and live lift. Not spend it on being abused..

You'll be with me for my journey, right? I know I can survive without the guild with you by my side!

Love Your Daughter,

Lucy Heartfilia

Lucy folded up the paper and put it in an envelope. She put it in her drawer and went straight to her dresser. She put on her normal clothes and put her hair in two pigtails.

Lucy sighed, "T-Today will be different. No matter what happens to be honest." She went out the door of her apartment room.

The blonde walked down the side of the river. The fishermen went there anymore to say their normal 'Be careful!' to her. Lucy missed that.

Finally, she made it to the guild. Without hesitation, she opened the doors to the guild.

"G-Good morning.." Lucy mumled. Everyone looked at her.

It was silent for a minute.

Nothing happened.

Lucy was about to see this as a good thing.

But she was terribly wrong.

"EW! She's back!"

"Man, we thought you weren't going to come back!"

Magic was thrown at her again, just like all those weeks she had been here at FairyTail. Insults kept getting thrown at her.

Most of the insults she ignored. But one caught her ears.


Lucy got on her knees. Everyone stopped with the magic and just laughed at her. Lucy's anger rose to a new level. Her hair covered her eyes as she stood up slowly.

One thing surprised everyone in the guild; Lucy was laughing.

Soon, Lucy was stood up all the way. She chuckled once more.

"You-You guys... Thinking that I was in a family.. How wrong was I! I should've never trusted my family after my other one betrayed me. Do you guys see this as a challenge? Well if so, you should know one thing," Lucy said.

Lucy looked up and her hair moved out of her face. Her eyes were glimmering in determination and joy. The guild was scared by Lucy's act.

""I'll show you! I'll show you all how strong I can be! And I'm not going to lose!" Lucy yelled. She walked towards the guild doors. "See you soon.. FairyTail!" Lucy said and slammed the doors open.

Everyone froze in the guild. Nothing happened yet again.

Sydney stepped up, "That was probably big talk! At least we got her to leave!" Sydney yelled.

Cheers were heard now. But Levy froze yet again.

"Technically, she didn't quit.. She still has her guild mark.." Levy said. Everyone looked at her. They gasped.

"So! We got her to leave and she probably won't come back! Maybe she just forgot to do that while she had the chance." Sydney said again. Levy nodded and smirked.

"I guess you do have a point."



"Lift me up, Happy!" A pink haired guy yelled. A cat came swooping in and flew him up in the air.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" The boy called. Fire went threw his mouth and attacked the monster who was already beaten up by him. The monster went down on the ground.

"Nice job Natzu!! That was the last monster! We beat 500 monsters in just a month!" Happy cheered. Natsu nodded.

"Now we can go back to FairyTail. I wonder if Mira's cooking got better!!" Natsu daydreamed of the food he had back at his guild. Happy daydreamed with him.


"We also have to go see Luce! I feel like it's been so long!" Natsu also said. Happy nodded.

A council member came through the doors of the room Natsu and Happy were in.

"Congrats! Thank you for being our test. Now we'll be running tests to make them stronger. We don't need you anymore. Thank you for your help young man! Now you may leave,"

"Let's go Happy!"


The two flew out of the council test room and went straight for the exit. They flew in the sky.

"To FairyTail!"


FairyTail: Lucy, Celestial Star Slayer! (A FairyTail FanFiction!) -discontinued-Where stories live. Discover now