15: The Lycaon Wolves

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Chapter Fifteen

Andrzej had nullified my Particular before. It was something I was used to. However, when you’re stuck in your head one second and the next you’re fitted perfectly back in your body, able to breathe and move and smack said nullifier in the face because he’s way too close, it takes a bit to get used to. Andrzej was good at using his Particular, don’t get me wrong, but this go around? He could’ve been a bit gentler about it.



“Are you…”

I shooed them all away, batting at the hands as they tried to touch me. Being catapulted into an actual vision from contact wasn’t something I needed right now. My brain was stuffed full of information, all of it ricocheting around and I needed space to process. Not to mention the Goddess cooties I needed to get rid of.  

There was also a nagging impulse to head into the stacks for something.

Backing away from the table seemed like a good start as did ignoring all the people asking for explanations. Their questions had turned into a den of noise and I could barely discern what was being said and who was saying it. I had a bit of sensory overload and combined with the slight buzzing in my ears…I was literally waiting for the world to crumble around me.

And for my ears to pop.


I held up a hand to stop whatever he was about to say and did an about-face on my heel. Heading around the table like an invisible leash was pulling me, I still felt a little disconnected from the goings-on around me. At first, the room and everyone in it was right there in my face but now, it felt as if everything was in slow motion but me and the sound was muffled like I was underwater.

Most of the Gods chose to stay by the table and watch me instead of following like Apollo and Janus. By the time I headed up a spiral wrought iron staircase tucked in one of the back corners, only Shaw and Andrzej were hot on my heels. Neither of them said anything as I weaved through the stacks, the view of the Gods below came in and out depending on where I was but for now, I ignored it all.

When I retrieved what I needed from the stacks, they would be placated with the results. I snagged one of the rolling ladders as I passed it but because I was feeling a little dizzy, I knew when I stopped, I wouldn’t be the one going up. I would have to rely on someone else to retrieve what I needed and at the moment, I was ok with that.

Everything stopped in front of a rather dusty book stack, the rush of getting here coming to a complete halt. My ears popped and the sound around me came in with perfect clarity.

But I still felt like I was going to vomit.

“Take a moment,” Shaw said softly. “Let it all process.”

My hands gripped both sides of the ladder and I rested my forehead on one of the steps. My breathing was heavy and the way my heart was racing hurt. Briefly, I remembered someone mentioning to me in the beginning that the process of seeing the future could age me well before my time if I wasn’t careful.

I felt older, more exhausted, and I knew before all of this was done, that feeling would get worse.

“Alright,” I pulled in a deep breath and let it out slowly, “top shelf, third book from the left.”

Neither of them jumped to do what I wanted which wasn’t the worst thing. It also probably had to do with the fact that I was still leaning against the ladder. Couldn’t go up to get the book without it and right now, it was the only thing keeping me vertical.

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