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I stamped down the halls of the high school of Suzaku High School, it's shocking but I am inside of a boy's body. Not just any man's body, a perverted Girl magnet boy known as no other than Toranosuke Miyamura. How this crap all started is this morning. Where I walked down my usual path of going home, avoiding anyone that didn't dare to like me and I won't like them. I arrived at the school entrance and went to my locker. I heard many people tell about how happy they were for being lucky on the weekend since its two days before it. I sighed as I took off my sneakers and replaced them with my school slip ons. I then saw a girl and her gang come near the yard and start picking on the blonde haired girl named Urara Shiraishi. I felt bad for her, yet I didn't want to get involved not just yet anyway. My deal is getting into a great collage like my mom did, you see my mom use to be a great nurse. She cared for others like she cared for me and my dad, but one day she got into a bad accident and the car flipped over and crushed her inside.

I still cursed that day, that only day where it poured with cars. I shook my head and slung my bag over my shoulder and adjusted my pigtails. One day mom, one day I'll follow you. I thought as I clenched my chest. I looked up and started heading towards my home room. Oh one other thing I have to tell you, I have the same class as pervert girl magnet. Yea, it's great. Especially when a wave full of girls sit on my desk which is behind Toranosuke. Just as I expected, he had his women with him. I walked on in and stood there waiting for the girl with a high ponytail to place her fat ass off my seat. "Oh Tora kun! How can you be so hot!?"

"I don't know, I was born with it." Toranosuke said. I rolled my eyes and then the girl looked at me and narrowed her eyes at me, "Who's this bitch?" She asked and I felt my eye twitch a bit. I saw him turn slightly and look at me, just when he looks at me I feel uneasy and gross. "She's Wakibu chan, don't worry she won't bother you." He laughed. Son of a- "Hehe! Okay!" That's when the bell rang for first period. "Aw! I don't wanna go Tora kun!!" The girls whined and clung to him for his love. "Don't worry this afternoon will do good." He winked and they did a noise and then skipped out. I sat down in my seat and took out my notebook full of notes, I turned to a blank page as the class began. I wrote everything that was spoken out my teachers mouth, weird but it'll help me on future tests. I also never flunked one either, always got straight A's which is good. I'm making you proud, mom!

As the bell for lunch rang I got up and went in the hall. I pulled out my wallet and walked over to a vending machine, I pulled out a yen and put it into the slot. I watched it go in and I looked at the choices. "Berry soda's pretty good." I jumped about five feet in the air. I whipped my head around and saw perverted girl magnet. I glared and looked away. I felt his stupid gaze drill into my head. "Did you hear what I said?" He asked. I didn't listen I just wanted him to just leave. That's when I saw his arm cut across and push a button, I gasped and looked up at him since he is at least six foot. "It's hard to resist, try it." Toranosuke said and handed me the soda. I scrambled a lot with it before finally catching it, I looked at him. "Why are you talking to me?" I asked stubbornly. He smiled, "I just wanted to. You seem quiet and rarely have friends is all." I glared. I know this son of a bitch is faking this attitude, I can just see it. "Well see ya!" He waved before getting himself a soda and walking off. I watched as he disappeared down the hall. I wondered where he was going since the class is the other way.

I looked out the window and let my hand go onto my face, Finals are coming soon, I gotta start studying and getting ready. That means no dinner too. I sighed and looked ahead seeing Toranosuke's big white hair, to be completely honest it's kind of pretty looking in the sunlight but if only he didn't have a fuck boy attitude. I then heard the bell rang and watched as everyone in the class sprung up in their seats and walked out. "Wakibu san can you stay for a moment?" The teacher asked and I nodded as I waited for everyone to leave, but when I saw Toranosuke leave he flashed me a evil smile. I crooked an eyebrow towards his back as he left. What was that for? I then walked up to ten teacher's desk and heard him out. "As you know that you're grades are spectacular, all A's and nit a trace of F's." He says. I nod, "Yes I know."

"Plus the end of year tests are coming up as well. Many people get nervous and quickly get to the library but you are calm and do your time." The teacher said as he placed his hands onto the back of his hands. His grey eyes staring into mine. I nod, "What do you need Sensai?" I asked. He leaned back, "I have noticed that you didn't have and club activities, your resumé needs at least one club activity for the collages you want to agree with you for school." I frown "What if I don't want a club?"

"Look Wakibu san, if you don't have a club activity you won't be excepted into a collage. This is what it is." I sighed and looked down while twiddling my thumbs. This sucks! I don't have any favorites at all... Man. Then I heard a piece of paper skid across the desk. I look up and see a green paper on the desk, I look up at the teacher questionably. "These are some clubs in the school. I want you to choose the one you desire." I took the paper and stared at it. There was clubs from Anime club to Zoo club, what kind of stuff are these people into these days? I looked closer but then looked at the teacher, "I can't choose."

"What does your heart tell you Wakibu san?" The teacher asks and I looked away. "I don't know.. All these clubs aren't my things..." I said until the teacher sighed and looked me dead in the eyes, "I promise once you see it, you will feel as if you live it. Look at the list again." I felt a chill drill down my spine and looked at the sheet again, that's when my eyes locked onto one club, the Supernatural club. My eyes felt a sparkle go into them. I take a deep breath in, "I would like to join the Supernatural club." The teacher smiled, "See I told you that you'll find what your heart desires." I shrug, "I just want to see what's in there actually it's a weird club but not as weird as the others I saw." I said. He then took the list away and brought out the fill in sheet. I grabbed one of the pens the teacher lend to me, I then fill out the entire sheet. I signed it and gave the pen back. "The club is always is after school, each day. You'll have to ask the president for its activity's."

"Got it." I said and grabbed my bag. As I stepped out the room the teacher stood up, "I hope that you'll have a great time in that club, many people don't like the supernatural anyway." I turned around and smiled. "I hope so as well."

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