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"Here you go have a great day!" I smiled and the customer smiled and bowed. Then she left with her stuff. I sighed and started to produce a yawn. "Hey Sakura, is it okay if you close up for tonight?" I heard Mika ask and I looked behind me and smiled, "Of course!" I said and regretted it because after two minutes it was completely quiet. I shifted in place and saw the note saying that the store I worked at closed at ten which it was nine fifty eight. I leaned my head back and cracked my neck, This week has been a pain in the ass... Toranosuke and his flirty ass hole and people just being bitchy and then closing up the damn shop when I can get jumped at anytime. I thought and looked ahead when I saw a man outside the door. He was just sitting there, in fact he's been here since Mika left which was around seven. I narrowed my eyes and stared at him. He was on his phone texting and then I looked back at the clock seeing that in one minute I have to close up. Is this guy lost or something? I asked myself and then groaned, "It's been a long week I need to stop being paranoid." That's when the last minute went by and grab my things and dressed out my work uniform and packed it inside my locker and closed up everything.

I then walked out the room and saw the man still standing there on his phone. I felt my heart start to increase, maybe this guy is a bad person who murders people.. I shook my head and opened the door. The man looked at me and put his phone up. "Are you lost sir?" I asked and the man smiled gently, "No. Just waiting for someone." He replied and I smiled back and waved as I walked away, "Well hope you have a nice night." I said and walked down the sidewalk. My place isn't far away but I have to always make sure not to go down alleyways because trouble happens in those things. I kept on walking down the street and turned corners and stopped at walkways. I then felt as if I was being watched and I looked behind me and saw nothing but people and their kids walk by. I sighed and looked back ahead, I'm just losing it... Ever since all this magic shit happened.. I felt that feeling again and when I looked back I caught my breath. That man from the shop was right behind me, maybe he found his friend and was meeting that person? Or something else....

No no no! I need to calm down... Sakura. You're just over reacting. I thought and shook my head. I then started walking faster and heard the man's footsteps go fast as well. My heart beat started increasing more and I felt as if anything would jump out and take me. I gripped my arms and tried going even faster. Still that man followed my footsteps. I gulped and kept walking, "Almost there almost there..." I whispered, "Once I get close to my house I'll call the police when he's out of sight." I then cut a corner and started running. Almost there.. Almost there. I kept running and running and then that's when something grabbed my wrist and pulled me in an alleyway. I gasped and was ready to scream when a hand went over my mouth and shut it. Oh no! Did he catch me!? Shit! I need to fight back! I then began to struggle against the attacker and mumbled in his hand. "Calm down will you?" That voice! I look up and see that pervert, Toranosuke Miyamura. What is he doing here!? "Did you calm down?" He asked and let go of my face. "What are you doing here?" I whisper. He places his hands in his uniform pockets, "I just saw you run by, your face looked frightened."

So he saw... "It's just... It's late and sometimes people follow people around and... Do bad things." I explained and then looked back at where the opening to the alleyway. "Like that guy that was following you?" Toranosuke asked and I gasped and looked up at him, his smile wasn't on his face this time. He was frowning and looking at me like he felt sorry. "How'd you know about that!? D-Did you see him!?" I asked and he nodded, "That man seems like he would want to kidnap you." I flinched, "Do t say stuff like that you moron!"

"Isn't it why you were running away from him in the first place?" Toranosuke asked and I looked down. It kinda is... Either the man's seductive dreams or murderious ways... That's when I heard him huff and I looked up at him. "Seems like he's looking for you." I looked and saw the man look around corners and then took out his phone. "I don't know why he's after me..." I whisper and my breath hitched as Toranosuke started walking out the alleyway. "W-Wait Miyamura!" I reached out but it was too late. He stamped out and cracked his knuckles. The man looked at him surprised and I ran out, "Miyamura! What are you doing?!" I yelled and looked at the man who looked at me surprised. "Oi, you've been stalking this girl haven't you?" Toranosuke asked and the man gasped and looked at me. "Are you her boyfriend?"

"No, just a bodyguard. Now I don't want you near her again you understand old man?" Toranosuke said and the man's eyes widened. "O-Okay!"

"And I'm serious, if I see you near her or stalking her I'll hunt you down and kill you." Toranosuke growled and the man screamed and ran away. I stood there completely dumbfounded and looked at him. "What was that?" I asked and he looked and me and shrugged, "I usually don't act like this, but I will if someone is being stalked or anything out of the ordinary." I let my eyes narrow up at him. Why doesn't he act like this to other girls... Has he been acting like this recently? "Now don't go and tell everyone at school or I'll snatch your virginity." Toranosuke threatened and I glared up at him, "SHUT UP! I won't tell! Plus you really helped me..." I whisper and played with my fingers. "Thank you, Miyamura." I said and he laughed. "What the hell is so funny, pervert!?"

"Heh... Nothing just you thanking me. You never thanked anyone at school." Toranosuke smiled and I looked away, "It's not like I'll always do that!" I said and then blushed when he rubbed the top of my head. "I want to hear your voice say it over and over again, it's cute. Wakibu chan." I looked up at him and a flash of mom came up and I looked towards the ground. "It's not like I'll be your friend got it?" I snapped and pointed toward him. Toranosuke let go of my head and smiled large, "If that's what you think." I groaned and then fixed my school uniform and then stamped away. "Wakibu chan." I heard Toranosuke call and I stop and look at him, "What!?"

"Mind if I drop you off?" He asked and walked up to her while placing her hands in his pockets. I glared up at him, "If you do that there will be likely of a fangirls coming up and seeing us. Then tell the others that we are dating!" I screamed and Toranosuke frowned, "Who cares?" I gasp and look up at him. "They're just girls after all, they don't know what their actual heart wants its what they want. That's why I now ignore them." My eyes widened, "Why do you just now ignored him!?" I asked and Toranosuke smiled, "Because you walked into my life."

The Angry Angel and the Perverted PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now