Chapter 5

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Maroon 5 - Come Away To The Water (feat. Rozzi Crane) - the song of the chapter

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*This chapter is not edited, so I apoligize in advance if there are many wrong-written words. I'll come back and edit it when I find the time*

William’s POV

I stumbled out from the sticky bushes, wiping off any remaining leaves from my hair and clothes, before heading forward again. I ignored the grumbling for food from my stomach as I made my way forward.
Damn I’m hungry, I thought as I barely missed yet another low branch.

To think that about a week ago I was safe back home, spray painting yet another building with my friends, was bizarre. We had planned to go to yet another party and afterwards do whatever the hell we felt like in our alcohol clouded minds. It wasn’t like we would get caught anyways. The cops never dared try to get in trouble with me, seeing as that my dad basically run the whole city and could easily fire everyone in the police department. Not that anyone would mess with me, either way. Aside from my father being a famous businessman, everyone knew me as one of the most boxers in the city. Not beaten once.

Unfortunately, the second I had returned to the house after the party, my parents had stood by the door. What the heck were they doing up at four thirty in the morning? Although, judging from the angry expressions they were presenting, it would seem that I was the reason to it.

«William, where in the world have you been?! » my furious looking mother yelled as I made my way up the stairs to our front door.

«I already told you guys I was going to a party, » I answered, still trying to get my eyes to focus on anything around. I could still feel the alcohol in my system, making everything blurry and dizzy. Okay, maybe I had a little more drinks than usual this time.

«You specifically told us that you were going to a small gathering with your friends and watch the football game. There was never any talk about a party, Will! And on top of that, I get a phone call from the police saying that you were spotted vandalizing a police car and spray painting the front side of the local school! This is not the kind of behavior we expected from you, Will, and you will not do this again as long as you live under my roof. I’m really disappointed in you, » my dad finished, giving me his oh-so-famous disapproving look. Like I haven’t seen that before.

«You know what, dad? I don’t think you get to be disappointed in me, seeing that you only see me two or three times a year. You never say anything to me when I’ve done something great, but whenever I do anything bad, it’s like the end of the world! Don’t come here and try to tell me what not to do, because it’s not your choice. The only time you talk to me, is when you’re giving me lectures on how bad of a kid I am! » I saw a slight flash of doubtless in my father’s eyes, but it was gone as fast as it came, leaving him with a hard expression instead.
I was breathing hard after the rant, and I knew that it was the alcohol that made me get so angry and aggressive so fast, but I’m glad I said it. It was the truth.

“I wouldn’t have to give you lectures if you would just quit acting like a five year old child and grow up! Do you know how embarrassing it is to have to answer a phone call from the police department in the middle of a meeting?!”

“Oh, so now I’m an embarrassment to you? Maybe I should just move out and change name so that I don’t embarrass you anymore!”

“Maybe you should!” I heard my mother gasp as my dad said this. I had almost forgotten she was there. Seeing her sad expression really broke my heart. I already knew that she hated that we fought every time we were in the same room, but I couldn’t help it, he infuriates me like no other.Although I would have no problem moving away from my dad, it was my mom I worried about. If I left, she would be all alone in a big mansion while my dad spent his weeks on business trips.
I began making my way towards the door, ready to sleep this whole day off, when my mom grabbed my arm.

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