Chapter 6

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The whole chapter is here, people! 

Happy reading ♡

-Aleksandra xx


I batted the splinters and grass off the cap before I put it back on my head. Having realized that I dropped it off here I, for some reason, felt the need to go find it again. The slightly worn out fabric at the front of the cap felt rough against my fingers as I flipped it onto my head, happy that it fit perfectly. I looked around me, and realized that I had no idea of where we were. The fear of being caught overpowered the fear of getting lost, so I hadn’t paid attention to which direction I was heading when we were getting chased.

The sound of rustling leaves caught my attention. Acting on instinct, I pulled out the gun from the holster on my hips while turning around, aiming straight at my opponent’s heart. I stopped short when I realized the enemy was the rich boy from earlier, William, standing only a few meters away with his hands in front of him. How he had gotten so close without me noticing scared me, knowing that if it had been a predator we would most likely be dead. My cold eyes met his sparkly ones before I sighed and reluctantly loosened my grip on the gun, but not yet ready to put it away.

“What do you want?” I couldn’t help but snap at him, getting slightly irritated as I saw an amused smirk make its way on his face.

“Now, now. No need to get all snappy with me, miss Dallas. I simply wanted to know if I could travel with you for the next days, seeing as I am all alone,” he answered in a mocking posh-tone, throwing me a sorry excuse of a sad puppy-dog face.  

After minutes of me just glaring at him, still pointing my gun at him, he cleared his throat.

“And, seeing as I helped you guys back there, I thing you should take me up on that offer,” he finished, looking somewhat satisfied with himself.

“Why would you want to travel with some strangers you just met? It’s not like you could trust me, seeing as I could easily just kill you when you sleep,” I threw back, not wanting to have to drag around another body to feed and look after.

 I knew I didn’t trust him, not even a little. Why he even was in these woods still confused me to no end. He was from the rich city, for crying out loud! Their biggest troubles were finding out how to make even more money out of the smaller and weaker cities, one of which I had lived in.  

“While that is true, I’m desperate. My food supplies have run out, and as you can see; I’m not really fit to hunt or find any food on my own. I promise I will help you with whatever you need if you just help me find my way out of here.”

I tried to find any signs of lying in his eyes, but strangely enough my guts told me that he was telling the truth. I thought of the pros and cons of him joining in for a while. The consequences were that he could possibly slow us down, although he had a strongly built body, I couldn’t help but get a feeling that he would be a distraction. He could also be an undercover spy from the patrols, saving us only to earn our trust, before leading us to our certain death.

Even though the possibilities of these options were high, I knew that having another person on the team wouldn’t hurt as much as I think. He said he could help out with about anything, meaning he could help on search for Linda.

And if all came down to it, I could always throw him to the wolves if a sacrifice is ever needed.

I looked him up and down once more, making sure I wasn’t making the wrong decision and walking right into a trap with Lukas, before I reluctantly gave him a small nod.
His previously questioning eyes lit up and he gave me a loop-sided smile filled with gratefulness, while I remained emotionless.

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