Feelings Attached

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I'm on a roll today, because I'm hitting y'all with a double dose of updates. As I wait to see my final prom dress alteration, I'm saying why not just update. So enjoy.

The human brain is an incredible mystery. As result some human behaviour is unexplainable no matter the individual's effort to suppress such things.

This is the case for Hera as she paced back and forth in her apartment, wondering whether or not she should call Orion. She had grown strangely attached to him, despite her best efforts to remain real with herself. She thought back to all those times where she had great expectations on a new budding relationship only to have it fail. This seems to be the case all the time so naturally she'd learned not to hope for much but instead move on to those who deserve her time.

And that was the riddle of the day, was Orion worth it? She wondered if she was thinking too much into it, because truly this should be simple. Either call or not call. She sighed as she gathered her tea mugs and loaded them into her sink. She couldn't afford to use the dishwasher because of the electricity bill, and besides growing up in an African home she'd manually washed the dishes no matter what. She smiled softly as her thoughts wandered to her parents. They were proud of her, and she was too of them. Although she was an only child, her education had taken a huge toll on her parents. Both of her parents and herself were African migrants, only moving to the US when she was ten years old. It wasn't always easy but she loved her life and couldn't be greedy for more when others had nothing.

After a while of getting lost in her thoughts she was broken out of her reverie by the ringing of her cellphone. Thinking it was Orion she eagerly straighten her dress and smoothened her hair as if she was about to see him. She was that nervous.

On what seemed to be the last ring she jumped forward to grab the phone, hitting her knee on the center table in the process. Instead of cursing it out she suppressed her pain with the excitement of receiving a call from Orion. She answered eagerly: "hello!"

"Wow, I didn't think you would be this excited to hear from me" Adriel replied from the other end of the phone.

Showing her disappointment Hera almost hanged up but instead replied, "that's because I'm not this excited to hear from you."

"Please, do contain your happiness, it's too overbearing" he replied sarcastically.

She ignored his snarky comment, "why exactly are you calling me, I told you that I quit."

"Stop with the childish behavior Hairy and come back to work. I know for a fact that your next month rent is due soon. Tell me do you want to be homeless?" Adriel replied back hotly.

"Didn't I fucking warn you not to call me that name again, and why do you care if I'm homeless, you are neither my husband or my brother" Hera replied in a similar tone.

"I don't care if you go homeless, I'm jus-"

"Well for someone who doesn't care you do ask a lot of personal questions" she interrupted.

"Can't I just get one thing right with you?" Now he sounded exasperated.

" You can, but your arrogant attitude always gets in the way." Hera was losing interest in the conversation fast. She just wanted to get a call from handsome McBrawny, was that too much to ask for?

Adriel retorted with "Hairy get off your high horse, you are just pissed off because-"

But Hera didn't even let him finished when she said "don't you dare say it."

"What, are you embarrassed now?" he replied with a conniving tone.

" I'm not embarrassed for falling for you-"

"Throwing yourself at me" he interrupted.

"You know what, fuck you-" Hera replied back indignantly.

"You wish"

"Yes, I did wished but that was untill I found out your ugly personality." This time her heated passionate tone had waned.

"Sweetheart, don't hate me because I didn't reciprocate your feelings for me." Adriel, sensing her distress tried to go with a softer tone.

"I don't care about that because as the saying goes, there's more dicks in the sea." She regained her earlier sarcasm.

"Then why are you mad?" he asked like he was genuinely confused.

"I'm not mad, I'm freaking pissed.
You knew damn well I had feelings for you and instead of letting me down easily you decided to leave your bitchy girlfriend to humiliate me...at your family's annual reunion nonetheless." Hera's anger seem to be slowly building up again.

"I told you she didn't mean it" he replied exasperatedly.

Didn't mean it my foot, she thought. But at this moment her anget had simmered down entirely. "Hey Adriel?" she calmly said after a few seconds pause.

"What?" he replied skeptically.

"You are a condescending son of a bitch and you can you fuck yourself." She said with no emotions shown to betray her inner sadness.

"Excuse m-"

"Sorry, I didn't mean it."

Yea I know, Orion had a phone conversation too, this is to draw some parallelism in my book.

Anyway, I could be sleeping right now but I decided to update just cuz.

Again I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote for my book and put it in your libraries. Also follow me, just cuz.

Sexiness, out 🎤

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