Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Just like my Dad, mum was furious. But, unlike him, she understood why, I did it.

" This is going to be all over the papers!"

" It was self defence!"

I scream back at my Dad, I only had a few seconds, to decide what I  was going to do, not as if I was planning on being attacked. But, oh no, Marcus couldn't just stick to the court rules! He had to get his say in, and interrupt me.

Mum hands me, over a pile of work.

" Your school work. Go, up to your room and start it, while I talk with your dad."

The second, I leave the kitchen, the door is shut, and I can hear hushed whispering. It doesn't make a good impression, how I kicked Marcus where it hurt. In all honesty, I'm surprised it did, I didn't know he had anything down there.

I made a start on Craft and design, measuring, and taking notes, on how to manufacture a wooden box. We did this years ago, I don't see why we have to do this again. Maybe,   we will finally get to make the box. We didn't get to years ago, as my teacher at the time, left on maternity leave. We were just about to start the boxes, but our new teacher had something totally different in mind. Posters, on your chosen sports product. This didn't really have anything to do with craft and design, but we all knew the teacher just wanted an easy task, to finish off the term with.

I sat down, and started playing zombie by the cranberries, for my guitar. It was a good thing I had one, or Id be screwed for music, when I went back to school. I sat down and played for twenty minutes or so, and for the first time, that day I looked at my phone. Unlike last night, I hadn't been on my phone this morning, I was in too much of a rush, and in a state or flutter, I guess.

No new texts, how did I guess that? I checked my Facebook, no new messages from Jamie either, and he wasnt online. He's ignoring me for sure now. I dial led his number, but again it just rang out, and went to voicemail. I left a message, asking him to contact me, but an hour later, I still had nothing. I thought about calling his house phone, and when I did, I got no answer either. It just went to his mums voice, saying to leave a message. I didn't bother to leave one this time.

Paula called me sometime later, saying my mum had been chatting to her mum, on Facebook and told her about, how I kicked Marcus.

Paula's Mum, Claire was awesome. She made pizza all the time, she loved the hunger games, and she had the mind of a teenager. Although, when it came to schoolwork, she knew how to crack a whip. I remember being at Paula's when we were 11, and we were meant to be doing our reading homework, instead we were sitting playing on the Xbox.

Her mum stomped in, unplugged the Xbox, much to our annoyance, picked up our jotters and said,

" Either, you do your reading homework, or Alexandra never visits again!"

That got us going somehow, we were just so gullible back then.

" Well, was there anything down there?" She asked,

" Actually, I was amazed to find he did! Now, who would've thought that!"

We burst out in a fit of laughter, and I have to tell Paula to calm down.

" Has Jamie, messaged you on Facebook?" I ask,

" Nope, not for ages. Why?"

I explained to her, that I felt he was ignoring me, and she told me not to worry.

" He's maybe, just not well. Or, he's maybe really busy."

" Doing what? "

" Ummmmm..."

I had the feeling Paula, wasnt telling as much as she knew.

" Paula, what is it? You've never kept anything from me."

She sighs, and I hear her breathing for a moment, when she breaths in deeply and says,

" I saw him, two nights ago. He was hanging around my school, with a girl the year under us, Kiera. And, I don't think they're just good friends."

" what do you mean?"

" I mean, he was snogging the face of her." 

I want to burst out crying, but I'm trying to hold it in. There's silence on the phone, for what feels like hours, and Paula breaks it,

" I didn't want to tell you, because I knew it would upset you."

" Yeah."

The only thing, I can think to say, and it feels so damn stupid.

" Don't waste your time with him. "

" Don't worry, I won't."

The conversation from that point onwards is awkward, and I can understand shy she didn't want to tell me. When, we hang up, I can't stop crying. Mum hears me, and she walks, in, as if she knows what's wrong, she sits beside me on my bed and hugs me. She doesn't ask what's wrong, or why I'm upset, I guess she knows in the long run, who I'm crying over.

The one thing I love about mums, your never to old for a hug. She calms me down, and sits with me for a while, once, my tears are dry, she speaks,

" Jamie?"

" Yeah, anther girl."

She see's next to me, is my phone. She picks it up, scrolls down, on the list and takes Jamie,s hours number.

" I think me, and his mum will be having some words."

She gives me anther hug, and she walks out, telling me dinner will be ready soon. I sit for a while not sure what to think, how long has this been going on for? The boy I loved, seeing someone else? Was I in the cinema, while this was happening? While, I was worrying over our relationship, he was out there ruining it?

I just want to wrap my arms round his neck, and squeeze, suffocating him.

I killed Madame Ariane, I watched children turn to ashes, I was forced into a marriage, just to be free again, I was poisoned, but he was out there getting some girl knocked up!

He's obviously, not the boy I thought he was.....

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