A note from the author

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A note from the author.

There's one woman who in my opinion doesn't get enough thanks and her name is Mrs Smith. When I was in primary school I went to learning support as I struggled with my reading and writing. Mrs Smith was an amazing teacher, yes she did bribe me with sweets but it worked. If I completed a good piece of writing or reading I would be given a sweet, and so I wanted to get sweets and so this meant my English work improved massively.

I left learning support a year later and received one of those school awards for  "Successful learner" and at the time it was a big confidence boost.

A couple years later when Mrs Smith retired she took me aside from the rest of my class and told me she was very proud of me and my work and to keep it up.

If it wasn't for her I wouldn't want to write books and become a journalist, without her I wouldn't have a clue about what I want to do with my life. Most importantly I wouldn't have the love of reading that I now acquire and I am really grateful to her.

So here's to Mrs Smith, thank you for everything.

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