Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

My family come to see me, an hour or so later. They were all unharmed, except my Dad, who also had some glass in his feet. The thought that they operated on me, makes my stomach churn.

Dad sort from his feet, was fine. But, I could tell the family was shaken up, how did Marcus get to us? How could they let that happen? While, I was being operated on, they has got in contact with the police, I'm to be issued a new phone number, and Marcus has been placed in what the doctor described as a " safe house, for nutters." Which, is the nicest way to out it I guess.

I was only in hospital, for about four days. I spent my time, revising on schoolwork, reading, and my family came everyday to see me. When, I attempted to walk the day before I was due to leave, my feet still stung like hell. But, they're not as bad, so as to give me crutches, so I'm on my own.

I spent that night, alone in my room. So, many things racing through my mind. If, I hadn't been trapped in the cinema, would Jamie, have still went off with anther girl? Would, Eliza ever have gotten home? She visited me, on my second night here, and she's found her family.

When, I saw her , her face lit up. She was smiling, making her look so much more younger. She was laughing, and there was col our in her cheeks.

" I looked through the telephone book. I eventually found my Auntie, and she got me in contact with them. I saw them yesterday and today!"

I was so happy for her, her parents are both really old now, but still alive and healthy. She even has a niece and a nephew. Her nephew, Jake just turned 10 and her niece Trina, is only 7.

" They are so cute!" She couldn't stop talking about them, for the first time ever, I've seen Eliza really happy. Like nothings changed, that she's always been with this loving family, and she's never left their side.

Sometimes, when I think about it. Maybe, being trapper wasnt so bad, in the long run. Because of me, Eliza and Flora and her brother, along with others are back home, where they belong. And, Marcus wont be around for much longer.

I drift off to sleep eventually, and when u wake my family are sitting around my bed.

That's, when I realize I've slept in.

They, help me up. I go to the en-suite next to my room, and shower.  It's the longest, I've been able to stand, without help. The pain in my feet, is awful, and I'm trying to hold it all in. Biting, the edge of my mouth, so not to scream out. It's like standing on knifes, but without the blood. And, the pain doesn't go away, until you sit down.

Once, changed, I make my way outside, where I'm guarded, by two enormous bruisers of men. Not sure, you could even call them men, maybe overweight giants. I try not to show, that I'm intimidated by them, but I guess that means they're doing their job right.

There, are a few photographers, but not many. They, seem to understand, that I hate them right now, and for once the microphone isn't pushed inside my mouth. They took photos, but other than that they leave me alone.

The drive home, is awkward and silent. Dad tried to rise up the spirits, but there was only a slight giggle, and the silence fell again. Jenn plays with an app, on her phone. She can't seem to get passed the level, and for some reason I take great interest in this.

I watch her play, and fail, and fail, until eventually she passes. At, first I thought I was only paying attention to her, because of the silence, and it was better than staring out the window. But, then I realize, she didn't give up. She kept on going until she won, and passed. That's what I've got to do, Gran says it all the time.

" At first, if you don't succeed. Try and try again."

Although, she has a bad habit for not sticking to her own motto. Like, the time she was trying to go on a diet, but couldn't resist the fudge. And, the time she was going to eat a fruit drink once a day, even though the taste of them was awful. She lasted for about a week, before she gave up.

" Nana! You just gave up on your own motto!"

Jenn protested, but Gran replied,

" That's my bad then, isn't it?"

Eventually, the car grinds to a halt, and when I look out the window, there, is my house. 

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