Chapter 3

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Heyo! It's been a year since the first chapter, oops... Well anyway, I'm going to try and get this chapter out before the day ends... So I have about two hours XD I hope you enjoy the story, because that's why I write it I guess. This is shorter then the other chapters, and way WAY shorter then any of my other book chapters. I am going to try and promise a longer chapter when the fourth one of this book is published... Honestly I would do a super long one now, but I want to get this chapter up and out there before the day ends, and I'm super tired. My tired writing isn't good anyway so maybe I'm doing all of you a favour XD Have a good day/night and I'll catch ya later potatoes!

The warm wind swept over the lush meadow, the tall grass waving as it went by. Four cats lay perfectly still as they stalked a small mouse.

"Now listen, Lily. Tail lower, and keep your belly off the ground." A well built black Tom meows softly. "Do it just like we practiced."

An orange tabby she-kit stalks forward, tail low. She is downwind from the mouse, and it's nibbling on some kind of nut.

"Daad, when do I get a turn?" A young black Tom kit meows, to the identical larger version of himself.

"Next time, Frog." The big Tom replies, studying the mouse as it looks up from its meal. Lily is moments away from pouncing, and the large Tom knows she can do it if she does it now. Lily freezes, eyes glued to the mouse as it anxiously lifts its head, it's noticed the cats. Before it can get away, Lily pounces on top of it, going for a killing bite. It was clean and quick, just the way Zach liked it.

"Good job, Lily!" Zach meows, proudly padding over to his daughter. She puffs out her chest as she holds the dead creature in her jaws.

"Nice kill." Frog comments, playfully swatting at the mouse's long tail. The fourth cat comes up to the group, after having sat and watched from everyone's original position.

"Let's just get this back to Mom." The charcoal grey Tom meows. He was the largest kit of the group, and he had piercing baby blue eyes. The sun sparkled and danced in his eyes, making them a captivating sight.

"That's right, I almost forgot." Frog meows solemnly. The four cats trudge back through the tall grass to their home. An old rabbit hill was situated near a small oak tree. The grass in this area was shorter, with dirt patches here and there from being trampled. Spitfire rested lazily in the shade of the young oak, peacefully sleeping the day away.

"Mum, we brought you something to eat." Lily meows, placing the mouse near Spitfire's muzzle. Spitfire lifts her muzzle up weakly, sniffing at the carcass before quickly laying her head down. Ever since Lily, Frog and Cinder had been born, Spitfire had been very weak. It was a tough labor, and at some moments Zach thought his beloved mate was going to die.

"Spitfire, you have to eat something." He meows coming up beside her. He pushes the mouse closer to his mates muzzle, but she doesn't do anything still. Her ribs are visible on her sides as she breathes ragged breaths. Zach began to feel panicked. He knew Spitfire was not doing well, but it looked as if she was going to die.

"No no no..." He started meowing to himself. Frog turns away sadly, not wanting to see the sad sight before his eyes. He was a tough cat, or at least he tried to be. He wanted to be just like his father. Cinder doesn't know what to do, or what was happening. Spitfire had been sick for so long that this just seamed normal. Lily rushed forward, her pelt pressed against her fathers because she didn't know what else to do.

"If t-this is the end..." Spitfire stutters out weakly, her eyes fluttering open and then closed again. "I just want y-you to know-"

"No! This isn't the end Spitfire! You're okay, you can get better... This isn't the end." Zach interrupts, leaning over Spitfire so that their whiskers were touching.

"Hey, don't interrupt me." Spitfire meows sternly, using as much strength as she could to force her voice to sound. "I want you to know, that I would never change a thing we did. I would never change coming here, having your kits, or meeting you... I would do it all again. I have no regrets." She meows with a happy look in her eyes. "I love you Zach, you were kind to me, and helped me when I needed it the most..."

"I'll never forget you." Zach meows shakily, his meow full of emotion. He bends down and rubs his head against hers, breathing in her scent for maybe, one of the last times. "Frog, Cinder, come over here." Zach commands, and both young Toms comply, quickly galloping over. Spasms rake Spitfire's body as her frail and honey figure twitches on the ground. She closes her eyes, twitching for one last second... And then she's gone. The sky darkens and the mainly empty meadow is filled with cries of misery. The now only four cats continue to morn the loss of their beloved mother and mate late into the night hours. The moon can not be seen in the sky, so the whole world seams like a dark wasteland. Zach and the kits huddle onto of Spitfire's body, sitting vigil to burry the body in the morning. Lily can barely keep her eyes open any longer, and soon drifts into an exhausted sleep. The kits had been out all day for hunting lessons, to maybe bring something back for their mother. But now they would never have to go out and bring her something ever again...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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