Welcome to Ouran Academy!! [[[EDITED]]]

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Author’s note^^: heyy guys this is my first POSTED fanfic haha sorry if its bad I tried please review at the bottom of the page ^_^. (Pic of Alexis on the side!!!!)


I walked into the chairs man’s office to the front desk and stood quietly in front of the front desk waiting for her to notice I’m there. I sighed making her look up from her computer screen. She tapped at a few keys before looking up at me with a very fake smile.

“oh, I’m sorry I was busy... Name?” She spoke 'cheerfully'.

“Alexis Kotoko," I sighed, flipping my 'blonde hair' out of my face.

“Ahh yes the new scholar student of Ouran academy!” She exclaimed.

“Yes ma’am,” I smiled with closed eyes sweetly, not wanting to seem rude on my first day.

“Here is your schedule,” she handed me a piece of paper and a yellow looking cream puff thing “and your Ouran uniform.”

“Thank you miss,” I smiled and turned to walk away.

“Anytime,” She spoke loudly as I left.

I smiled as I walked out of the door ‘she seems nice I hope everyone here is.’ I wandered around until I found a restroom to change in. you see I’m not the tallest girl in the world I’m a little over 4’5. My 'hair' is like a dirty blondish and ends at my lower back. My eyes are the brightest of blue.

Hmmm, I came into school really early.’ I thought after slipping into the yellow puff ball looking at my watch ‘5:30. I should wander around and see what clubs there are. Classes don’t start till about let say 8:00.’ I wandered down the long corridors looking at every room I passed until I came to a music room. ‘music room three hmm,’

 I pushed the doors open revealing an empty room with a beautiful black grand piano in the corner. I smiled and strode over to the beautiful instrument, running my hand lightly across the keys. I finally sat after admiring it beauty and placed my hand on the keys before i pressed down slowly, i began pressing the correct ones to play my favorite song on the piano. I closed my eyes and let the melody flow through me putting everything in every note. Once i was done i sat there frozen as if i were a meer statue.

"That was beauitful," A blond spoke up out a group of 6 boys and a girl... dressed like a boy.


"Hello princesse, whats your name..?" A tall blond smile.

"A-alexis K-kotoko," I stutter nervously.

"Hello im Tamaki Suoh, What was that song you were playing?"

"U-um it was from my m-m-moms favorite a-anime."

"Oh it was marvolously played," he smiled at me again.

"T-thank you," I smiled faintly.

"Alexis, meet the rest of the host club," He gestured to the rest of the group.

"Nice to meet you all, please call me Alex," I bowed to the before straightening up.

"Im Kyoya Ootori, pleasure to meet you," He 'smiled', pushing up his wire rimmed glasses. I stared at him for a moment in shock before lettign it go, not wanting to give myself up yet.

"That was quite obvious, Ootori-san." I smirked.

"Oh, So you know me?" He asked, watching me with narrowed eyes.

"Yes I already knew who Tamaki-san, as well as the rest"

"How is that?"

"That Ootori-san is highly classified," I giggled.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow at me but I just giggled more.

"Anyway... It's nice to meet the group of the school, now if youll excuse me I need to go," I smiled sweetly, and tried to walk to the door but I was stopped.

"But Alex, please stay and play with us, we dont want you to leave," One voice whispered seductivly, arms wrapping around my waist and shoulders.

"Pleeeassssee alex, we wanna have fun with you." Anotehr whispered.

"P-p-please l-let m-me g-go," I stuttered as I began shaking violently.

"No, we dont wanna" they said together 'great twins and their the devilish type. yay.'

"P-please i-i dont wanna hurt you." I tried but they only held on tighter

"You won't," They said before my vision went redish and all i heard two thuds. When my vision came back the two boys were on their backs.

"O-oh no I-i need t-to leav,e" i whispered running out of the music room "I'm such an idiot!! I can't beleive I trusted myself at this school, damn it!!"

I stopped running because father use to tell me 'running never helps anything' which I guess was right because it really doesn't. I leaned against the wall and slid down into a sitting position. I pulled my knees to my chest and put my head down on them. I let the tears fall, and gosh its been along time since I let myself cry. I sit there for a little bit and cried, letting all the bottled up feelings leave me. Soon I started to hear foot steps coming closer to me.

"Alex-chan?" A small voice asked worriedly.

"I-im fine" My small voice answered back.

"Are you okay?" He asked ignoring my reasurance.

"I said I was fine" I looked up at the person who followed me out here."o-oh Haninozuka-san  hello"

"call me Hani or Mitsukuni, i dont mind which ever you think fits me best."

"O-okay" I looked down at my feet, tears still falling heavily falling.

"So, are you going to tell me the truth?" He asked, sitting down criss-cross infront of me.

"U-um" I looked down and thought for a second not sure if I could trust him.

"Alex-chan, you can trust me. I won't tell anyone I promise." he said pulling my chin up to look at him.


mwahahaha cliffie lol hope yall love this story ive been righting it for like ever lol im just typing it by chapters. lol hope you liked it.!!!

Hikaru: You can shut up already gosh

Me: shut up.!!

Kaoru: Dont talk to him like that.!

Me: hahaha you think you can order me around i AM the one writing this story i can easily erase your important parts in the later story.!!!

Kaoru/hikaru: ...

Kyoya: anyway lets end this story now before-

Tamaki: *enters room dramaticly* im here i know you all have missed my beautiful presents.

Me: O.o if you dont be quiet i will chop your head off........... Bye you guys hoped yall like it id stay longer but i have three bakas to deal with lol let me know whatcha think.!! ^_^


Think i'm falling for you ( OHSHC) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now