A trip to the hospital. [[EDITED]]

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Well hello guyzz how are y'all doin? Hope you like this chapter!! ~Enjoy

(Kyoya's POV)

"Allie!!" I said when I saw her crawling on the floor. 'Asthma attack'

"Kyo," She whispered before going unconsiouos.

"Shit!" I picked her up bridal style and rushed to the foyer. "okay, I found her but I need to get her to the hospital. She had another asthma attack and she is now unconsious. Hurry up come on"

~Time skip at the hospital~

"She will be fine. The asthma attack was a mild case, what caused it was, i'm guessing, she was in a small space crying by the way her eyes are puffy." Her doctor said, eyes roaming over his clip board. "She is conscious now if you would like to see her."

"So she will be okay?" Tamaki asked.

"Yes she is fine. Ootori-san I am guess you would like to see the patient?" The doctor asked, looking up from his clip board.

"Yes, if it is okay with you." 

"Of course, room 324 is hers."

"Thank you," I said, calmly walking toward her room. Once I got there I saw her laying in her bed staring at the open window. "Hello Allie, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, just tired." she whispered, smiling tiredly.

"That's good." I smiled back as I walked over to her bedside and sat in the chair set up.

"Always, we never actually got to catch up Kyo." She grinned.

"No we didn't... So how old are you now"?

"Sixteen turning Seventeen soon and you?"

"Seventeen a couple months ago."

"Cool, so when I get out of here wanna go pack up my apartment?"

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled at her. She was always like this, ready to get things done as soon as possible. "Your the same as always."

"Really because I was always told there more to me that meets the eye." She smirked.

"what are you talking about??" I questioned, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Noooooothing." She giggled, as the doctor came in.

"Well Ms. Kotoko, your are fine to leave but we want someone to watch over you incase it happens again."

"Yes sir, Ootori is letting me stay with him since we are close friends."

"That's fine, Alright Ootori-san she is free to go but we couldn't get ahold of her guardian" He said looking at his clipboard.

"I am her guardian now sir, she had no guardian till now"  I looked at her sadly but she just shook her head looking down at her lap.

"Alright good bye Ms. Kotoko Ootori-san" The doctor said leaving the room

"Alright lets get out of this horrid place" She said in a fake posh accent making me crack a smile.She went into her bathroom and changed before heading to the door pausing to wait for me.

"The host club is in the waiting room," I sighed, walking to her side.

 "ces ânes peu accueillants" She spoke in French. (Those unwelcoming asses)

"Be nice Allie," I chuckled, shaking my head at the old habit she held on to.

"But they don't like me and made me feel unwelcome to Ouran!" She pouted as we walked out of the room.

Think i'm falling for you ( OHSHC) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now