(Warning this has (I guess some would say 'vulgar') language and torture scenes and all that go with those. If you are a foe to these and not a friend then read at your own risk. But please enjoy the story!)
Heyo! Well here it is my first book. Plea...
The song above to me fits this book for some reason. So give it a listen if you want. :)
And I'm getting a puppy! His name is Booker (reference there :) ) and he's an adorable little thing. I'll be getting him in the next few weeks so if any of you want a picture of him at the end of chapters to lighten your mood after feels or whatever just say so and I'll add them :)
So I drew dark for this book... I can't draw Dallas because I've tried and it doesn't look the way I want. I'm gonna probably draw most of the characters for this. I'm working on Anti right now and I'll post him on the next chapter since he's gonna be a main part in this. But here's dark. Enjoy!
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Here's our lovely anti in this story. :) Step one
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Step two.
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Step three.
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Step four
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and bam! Don't worry I'll be adding a chapter here in a few minutes so don't freak out. Love you all And as always I'll be seeing you in the next chapter. Bye bye! ~Dani~