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Darks POV

I watched Anti leave Dallas's room and quietly close the door. I motioned for him to follow me downstairs to the living room.

"What in the holy hell was that? You walk in there lock the door and don't let me in my own torture room. Then Dallas is engulfed in green magic and you want me to sit idly by? What the hell man!" I yelled at him.

"Alright, let me actually explain this time and don't go punching me in the face. I learned how to heal while I was in Hell alright? I figure that's the first step to getting Dallas to trust you and me. When she wakes up she will be sore like she went to the gym for ten hours. Her scars will be gone except for one. The very first cut you made can never go away, the one on her cheek. It'll be there forever. Now I've got some things to talk to you about and you might wanna sit down."

I walked over to my couch and sat down on the edge of it turning to Anti as he sat on the other side. I could see he was nervous and he kept on pushing his palms with his thumb. "C'mon Anti, whatever it is cant be that bad."

"I don't know about that Dark, considering it involves..." he stopped talking and looked at the floor.

"Involves who?"


Dallas POV in the Dream world

I was walking around in a very green forest. I didn't have a place to be and was just enjoying the sound of the wind blowing through the cottonwood trees and the soft grass on my bare feet. I kept walking around seeing a deer or rabbit every so often until I came across a mirror in the middle of a meadow. I walked up to it with my head tilted slightly and my eyebrow raised. Who would put a mirror here? I walked around it making sure it was a mirror and not a trap to something. I went back to the front of it and stood there staring at my reflection. I was wearing a white dress with lace around the shoulders and neck. It was a fair length, not to long but not to short for my taste. The bottom was extremely fluffy and when I twirled it would twirl in a big circle. After my third twirl I looked into the mirror and saw a shadow where my reflection was. I backed away from it and tripped falling onto my hands. 

"Why hello there stranger. I don't think we have had a chance to properly meet." The shadow had said with a toothy grin.

"Wh-- Who are you?" I said a little frightened.

"Oh that doesn't matter dearie. What does matter is that your precious little demons haven't done their jobs correctly. So it seems i'm going to have to do it myself."

The shadow came out of the mirror and walked slowly towards me. I got up off the ground and began running. There was no road and no way to tell where I was going but every time I looked back the shadow was close behind.

"Now now Dallas. Don't make this more difficult than it has to be. If you stop now i'll make sure your death is painless and quick. Hopefully." He let out an ear splitting laugh that seemed to echo through the whole forest. The sky grew dark and there were no stars and the moon wasn't out. I kept running despite my eyes not having adjusted to the sudden darkness I didn't want to slow down. My feet were blistered from running but I didn't care. I kept running until I found a small house with a porch light on. I ran up to the door and knocked. No one answered so I walked inside and locked the door, checking to make sure the windows were all locked as well. 

I walked around and looked for something I could use as a weapon. I don't know exactly what kills a shadow, i'm not on that episode of Supernatural yet. I found what seemed to be a set of sterling throwing knives. Eight to be exact. I picked them up and held one ready just in case. To be on the safe side I moved a chair under the doorknob of the back door and front door. I might of told Dark that I was ready to die but not this way. Not by a shadow of all things. I heard a knock and peeked out the window to see Dark standing there with the stranger from earlier.  moved the chair and motioned for them to quickly come in. I closed the door locked it and placed the chair back. 

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