Chapter 11

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Yumi's POV

Once I woke up the next morning we continued to head towards the hideout with Itachi and I having a nice conversation on everything and anything with Kisame joining in every once and a while.

"We're here" Kisame said doing hand signs to open it up.

"So what now?" I asked

" You meet Leader-sama now" Itachi said walking down one of the many hallways within the hideout

"Okay" I said following him closely

Once we got to what I assumed was Leader office Itachi knocked. After a moment if silence there was deep "enter" Kisame opened the door and entered followed by Itachi who I was hiding behind at the moment.

"So?" The man who has yet to say his name asked

"She willing joined us" Itachi said moving aside so that I was visible

"Uh ya I want to join the Akatsuki" I said slightly nervous

"Why the sudden change in decision?" He asked well demanded the answer

"Um Itachi and I really don't know how to explain other than Itachi is very good at persuasion" I said

"Hmm well here is your cloak and ring. wear the ring at all time, but you don't need to wear the cloak in the hideout" he said while handing me those items.

"Okay" I said slipping the ring on along with cloak and strapping on my katanas over my cloak.

"You two go and introduce her to the other members" Leader said

"Yes Leader-sama" They said

We left the office and walked down another hall I really need a map of this place if I didn't want to get lost. We got into a place that could be considered a lounge or something like that. I never really expected to see this inside the Akatsuki hideout. Anyways sitting around were 6 other people well one I wouldn't consider a person considering that he... I'm going call the being an it until I find out.

"Guy I want you to meet our new member." Kisa said that's what I'm calling Kisame from now on.

"What the heck why do we have a new member?" the silver haired freak asked

"Because Leader thought that she would be useful to Akatsuki." Itachi said going back to his calm and collected personality when around other people

"Well who are you?" Asked the red-head

"Well it would be nice if you told me your names before I told you mine." i responded to his question

"Tsk fine brat I'm Sasori." Red-head now Sasori said

"Well" I said looking at the others

"Deidara" said the dude that looks like a lady

"Hidan" said the silver haired freak

"Konan" the only other girl here

"We are Zetsu" said it

"Cool you are 2 people and half plant awesome." I said

"Thanks" Zetsu said

"Kakuzu" said the guy with the mask

"Okay well I'm Yumi Uchiha"

"Wait Uchiha?" asked Sasori

"Ya got a problem with that?" I asked

"No just thought that they were all dead except Itachi and his brother." Sasori said

"Huh oh no I wasn't in the Uchiha compound when he killed the rest of them." I said

"Okay then" Sasori said

"Hey Ita where's my room?" I asked using Itachi's old nickname.

"Hn I'll show you" he said turning around

"Well bye" I said following Itachi to my room.

We walked down the dark hall of the hideout. I should ask Itachi to help me get around this place.

"Hey Itachi can you help me get around later?" I asked him

"Huh oh sure" he said

"Thank you Ita" I said

"Here's your room," Itachi said, "mines across from yours"

"Thanks again" I said walking into my room.

I took off my katanas and propped them against the wall near my bed and grabbed the scroll that kept my spare clothes inside of my kunai pocket. I pulled out one that held the rest of my weapons. I took changed into something that was more comfortable to sleep and fell asleep in this new place.

Mizuki's POV

It's been about a year before we found that jutsu so I could go back to my time. I walked back into the Leaf Village and was immediately tackled into a hug from by brother.

"You're back where did you go? Kaito told me that you just disappeared one day while training with Yumi." Naruto asked

"Well I went to the past." I said

"What?" Kaito asked coming up

"I ended up back to when the fourth Hokage was still alive. He helped me with my training while I was trying to find a way to come back here." I explained to them

"Really that's so cool." Kaito said

"So what happened while I was gone?" I asked

"Well Yumi joined the Akatsuki." Naruto said

"What? Why?" I asked

Kaito just shrugged "She just left and I heard that she joined the Akatsuki. Well that's what everyone is saying at least."

"Wait Yumi wouldn't do that would right?" I asked

"Ya that's what I thought too" Kaito told me

"She had to have a reason to do that." I said to no one in particular

"Besides that it's good to see you again Mizuki." Naruto said giving me another hug

Kaito just nodded and have a small smile.I walked back to the house with Naruto since it was getting dark already and I was exhausted.

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