Untitled Part 1

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 hey guys this is my first book that I wrote by myself so bear with me!! And yes there will be a part 2.

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 I was surrounded by darkness. There was nothing around but me and my enemy; the dragon. I was covered in silver plating like a knight, and in my hand I had a sword that was glowing from the thick handle to the sharp point. I wouldn't have known what it was without that one word that floated across my memory; Excalibur. It was mesmerizing. 

I was taken from the spell of the sword as the dragon reaches out at me and blows a stream of fire. With instincts I was unaware I had, I jumped out of the path of fire behind a giant boulder of stone that appeared out of nowhere. As I look around for anyway out of that terrifying place, suddenly an extraordinary stone tower shimmers through the darkness. 

After a moment of silence, I run up the staircase of the tower that comes to a sudden halt at the very top. I went to turn around but the stairs were crumbling behind me stopping me in my tracks. The dragon knew that I was trapped so as its final movements, it slithered up the side of the tower slowly, mocking me. 

As its head got closer to me, I was injected with a rush of adrenaline like I've never felt before in the 18 years that I have been alive. Without even thinking, I jump off the ledge of the tower with Excalibur raised high in the air ready to strike. Just as gravity started to work its magic and pull me closer to the ground, with the dragon in between, the sword starts to glow like it did previous to coming in close contact with the fire-breathing monster. Everything seemed in slow motion just before the sword came in contact with the dragon. 

Then an alarm rang, echoing in my mind and all around me. I jumped up in my bed, sweating from head to toe. What just happened?  

The Savior: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now