Untitled Part 2

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My alarm was screaming the way it does every morning to wake me up for school. I always have it set for 6:15, but my clock read 7:30. I'm going to be late for school! I thought. 

I hopped out of bed and rushed to get dressed, brush my hair, get the slightest amount of makeup on, and get downstairs in enough time to eat breakfast. I saw my mother standing in the kitchen cooking pancakes and blaring 80's music from the grubby radio on top of the fridge.

"Mom why didn't you wake me up? I'm going to be late for school and I don't even have enough time to eat breakfast. I'm going to starve!" I cried dramatically as I got Mom's attention.

"Oh calm down honey you'll be just fine. I already packed a breakfast for you to take on the bus. See how helpful I am to you? But obviously you don't because all you like to do is complain," Mom said jokingly. 

She handed me a lunch box packed with 2 pancakes, 3 pieces of bacon, and a water bottle with orange juice in it. "Now scoot 'cause I ain't got the time to take you to school. Oh and have a good first day as a senior!" she yelled when I was already halfway down the block. 

Yes it was today. The day I've been waiting for since I was a freshman three years ago. It was finally my senior year. Little did I know, it was the day my new life began.  

Hey guys sorry this chapter is a little short but i thought it would be a good stopping point. But the next chapter will be longer. Comment what u think so far. Hope u guys like it!

The Savior: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now